HD! Round of Your Life FULL MOVIE HD1080p Sub

2 min readJun 24, 2019


Round of Your Life

Golf drama “Round of Your Life” wears its Christian faith on its sleeve, but its approach is less a screaming street preacher and more the oh-so-nice kid who keeps inviting you to a meeting of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at school. The latter actually happens in the film, made all the more palatable for its teenage boy target given that the invite comes from a pretty girl.

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When Texas high school freshman Taylor Collins (Evan Hara) intentionally whiffs his tryout for the golf team, he disappoints his PGA retiree dad (Boo Arnold) and pro golfer and amateur jokester brother Tucker (writer Tim Ogletree). When Taylor’s father is hospitalized after a car accident caused by a texting teen, Taylor feels guilty and tries to get back in the good graces of Coach Wilson (Richard T. Jones), and the family prays for their father’s recovery.

Screenwriter Ogletree gives himself all the best lines — and an unnecessary romance with sweet nurse Minka (Katie Leclerc) — but at least the humor distracts from several bland performances elsewhere. Director Dylan Thomas Ellis has made a gentle, inoffensive film that preaches as much about the power of prayer as the dangers of texting and driving. “Round of Your Life” is unlikely to result in any conversions — to faith, golf or focused driving — but at least it won’t have viewers throwing their clubs in anger.

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‘Round of Your Life’
Not rated

Running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes

Playing: Starts June 21, Laemmle, Glendale

