Thank You…!

Usman Ali
2 min readDec 7, 2021


Everybody wants to be a good speaker but nobody wants to be a good listener. Perhaps, listening is more important then speaking. While speaking, you deliver what you know, but when it comes to listening, you have a lot of things to see, the beauty, the manifestation, the wideness of a world in which the other person allows you to come. This is not a bad deal though.

A much needed tribute to my listener.

Yousaf Miraj, a true friend of mine, a beautiful soul who has a great nature of understanding. He has such a generous nature that he does not say NO when it comes to matter of life, its component and importance of someone’s life toward him.

It has been a journey of 3 years since we have been friends. It seems like he knows me for more then 30 years, although I am still 22. He has contributed a major part in my life throughout. Whether I need moral support in my personal, emotional and critical affairs, or there is need of physical support in some fist fight, I always find him beside me.

I always admire the two way trend in any relationship. Whether it is your friend, your spouse or siblings, there is always a methodology of give and take. Both persons should put their efforts to make that relationship healthy and long lasting. That is why, our bond is irreversible and that sharing between us makes us more stronger and motivates us to be present at any place for help of each other.

This letter is a tribute to my friend for always being here for me, listening to me, giving me the best piece of advice by putting himself in my clothes. I am thankful and feel blessed every time for being his friend. He is truly a gem, which is obviously not found from some mine in Africa.

