Benefits of Honey and Garlic

Usman Hanif
3 min readOct 29, 2021


To get the maximum benefit from honey and garlic, it’s important to get the best quality ingredients for both, and a healthy lifestyle must go hand in hand.

Efficacy of honey and garlic eaten on an empty stomach for 7 days

What are the benefits of combining honey and garlic for our health? Garlic is one of the most commonly used natural ingredients in cooking worldwide. Garlic’s characteristic aroma mixes well with other ingredients and can add flavor to countless dishes.

Garlic has been valued for centuries for its ability to relieve a variety of ailments, as well as being a great addition to cooking. The medicinal properties of garlic can be used to relieve inflammation, chronic diseases, and infections.

Many of the benefits of garlic are due to allicin, an active ingredient that helps control high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other conditions related to the cardiovascular system.

Garlic can also be used as a treatment for digestive disorders, respiratory diseases, and fungal infections.

In fact, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, garlic can be a great complement to conventional treatments for arthritis, cancer and diabetes.

Nutrition experts recommend eating them raw to preserve all active ingredients. You can also mix garlic with honey to make a remedy that is easy to eat and enhances efficacy.

In the hopes of improving overall health and quality of life, today, we would like to explore the benefits of eating honey and garlic for 7 days in a row .

Let’s find out together!

1) Improve blood circulation

Efficacy of Honey and Garlic Blood Circulation

The sulfur component of garlic is very good for blood circulation when mixed with honey. These two prevent blood clots and strengthen the veins, preventing diseases such as thrombosis and varicose veins.

2) Reduce blood pressure

Hypertension is a disease that can threaten overall cardiovascular health . Don’t forget to consume honey and garlic on an empty stomach every day to naturally control high blood pressure.

3) Control of harmful cholesterol

Benefits of Honey and Garlic Cholesterol Control

When the fresh garlic allicin is clean and the blood, and removing excess cholesterol, very superior to control the triglycerides.

4) Relieves inflammation

Studies have found that many of the chronic diseases people suffer are related to imbalances in the body that cause inflammation. The efficacy of honey and garlic relieves inflammation and acts as a natural pain reliever, so it is helpful for diseases such as arthritis, fluid retention, and muscle disorders.

5) Strengthen Immunity

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of honey and garlic are very good for strengthening immunity. Both enhance the body’s defenses against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

6) Cough Relief

Whether your cough is caused by a bacterial infection or a virus, there is nothing better than a simple syrup made with honey and minced garlic. It can also act as an expectorant to relieve irritation and promote phlegm removal .

7) Accelerate recovery from colds and flu

All cold and flu symptoms can be temporarily relieved by continuing to consume honey and garlic remedies. This stimulates the production of antibodies that block the virus and protect the airways.

How to Make Natural Honey Garlic Remedies

Be sure to use organic garlic and honey to get all the benefits mentioned above. It’s very easy to find cheap honey, but these kinds of honey are often not 100% natural or bad with sugar.


  • 1 cup of honey (335g)
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 1 glass jar with lid

How to make

  • Chop the garlic finely or use a garlic grinder.
  • Pour honey into a glass jar and stir in garlic.
  • Cover with a lid and place in a dark place for a week.
  • After a week, you can get a thick and healthy syrup.

How to eat

  • Eat a tablespoon of this syrup before breakfast, either as it is or by mixing it with warm water.
  • Eat daily for 7 days, rest for a few weeks, and repeat.
  • Store honey and garlic at room temperature to avoid crystallization.

The effectiveness of this treatment may vary from person to person, depending on daily habits.

Especially if you follow a diet high in saturated fat, sugar, and other unhealthy foods, it won’t work at all.

