Building a Bluetooth Controlled Car Robot

3 min readJun 23, 2024



As a passionate student of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, I am always thrilled to explore the realms of robotics and automation. One of my recent projects involved building a Bluetooth-controlled car robot. This blog will walk you through the various stages of this project, including the design, components used, and the coding involved. Whether you’re a fellow enthusiast or someone curious about robotics, I hope you find this journey insightful and inspiring.

Project Overview:

The Bluetooth-controlled car robot is an excellent example of integrating mechanical design with electronics and programming. The core idea is to create a car that can be controlled wirelessly via a Bluetooth connection, making it a fun and interactive way to learn about robotics.

Components Required:

  1. Arduino Uno: The brain of the robot that controls all operations.
  2. HC-05 Bluetooth Module: For establishing a wireless connection between the robot and a smartphone or computer.
  3. L298N Motor Driver Module: To control the motors driving the wheels.
  4. DC Motors: Two motors to provide movement to the car.
  5. Chassis: The body of the robot where all components are mounted.
  6. Wheels: Attached to the motors for movement.
  7. Battery Pack: Power source for the robot.
  8. Connecting Wires: To connect all the components.

Building the Robot:

Assembling the Chassis:

Begin by assembling the chassis of the car. This will usually involve attaching the wheels to the DC motors and then mounting the motors onto the chassis.

Connecting the Motor Driver:

Connect the motors to the L298N motor driver. The motor driver will act as an interface between the Arduino and the motors, allowing for control of speed and direction.

Setting up the Arduino and Bluetooth Module:

Connect the Arduino Uno to the L298N motor driver using jumper wires.

Attach the HC-05 Bluetooth module to the Arduino. The TX pin of the HC-05 connects to the RX pin of the Arduino, and the RX pin connects to the TX pin of the Arduino.

Powering Up:

Connect the battery pack to the Arduino and motor driver. Ensure that all connections are secure to avoid any loose connections during operation.

Writing the Code:

The code for controlling the robot is written in Arduino IDE. The program listens for commands sent via Bluetooth and translates these commands into motor actions.

Here is a sample code snippet for the Arduino:

#include <AFMotor.h>
AF_DCMotor motor1(1);
AF_DCMotor motor2(2);
char command;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Set the baud rate to match the Bluetooth module
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
command =; // Read the command sent via Bluetooth

// Control the motors based on the command
if (command == 'F') {;;
} else if (command == 'B') {;;
} else if (command == 'L') {;;
} else if (command == 'R') {;;
} else if (command == 'S') {;;

Testing the Robot:

  • Upload the code to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE.
  • Pair your smartphone with the HC-05 Bluetooth module.
  • Use a Bluetooth terminal app to send commands to the robot. Commands like ‘F’ for forward, ‘B’ for backward, ‘L’ for left, ‘R’ for right, and ‘S’ for stop can be used to control the robot.

Challenges and Learning:

One of the main challenges was ensuring that the Bluetooth module could maintain a stable connection with the controlling device. Additionally, fine-tuning the motor controls to achieve smooth and responsive movements required several iterations. Through this project, I gained a deeper understanding of wireless communication, motor control, and the integration of hardware and software in a robotics system.


Building a Bluetooth-controlled car robot was a highly rewarding experience. It not only enhanced my technical skills but also provided a practical application of theoretical knowledge. I encourage anyone interested in robotics to try out similar projects, as they offer a hands-on approach to learning and innovation. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate on future projects, feel free to reach out!

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For more details and updates, connect with me on [LinkedIn]

or check out my projects on [GitHub]

Thank you for reading!

