Advanced Apex Features: Future Methods, Queueable Apex, and Beyond — Apex Part 15

Mohammad Usman
4 min readMar 17, 2024


In the realm of Salesforce development, mastering advanced Apex features is crucial for building robust, scalable, and efficient applications. While basic Apex functionalities cover the essentials, advanced features like Future Methods, Queueable Apex, and others provide developers with powerful tools to overcome various limitations and design more complex solutions.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into these advanced Apex features, exploring their nuances, use cases, best practices, and providing practical examples along the way. By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to leverage these features effectively in your Salesforce development projects.

Future Methods


Future methods in Apex allow you to perform long-running operations asynchronously, without blocking the execution of the current code. They are particularly useful for offloading resource-intensive tasks such as callouts to external systems, complex computations, or data processing operations that don’t require immediate results.


public class MyFutureClass {
public static void myFutureMethod(String inputParam) {
// Perform long-running operation here

Use Cases

- Callouts: Execute HTTP callouts to external APIs without waiting for a response synchronously.
- Batch Processing: Offload large-scale data processing tasks to avoid hitting governor limits.
- Asynchronous Updates: Perform background updates or calculations without impacting user experience.


Let’s consider a scenario where you need to make a callout to an external weather API to fetch weather data for a list of locations and update corresponding records in Salesforce.

public class WeatherService {
public static void updateWeather(List<Location__c> locations) {
List<WeatherData> weatherDataList = WeatherAPI.fetchWeatherData(locations);

In this example, `WeatherService.updateWeather()` is marked as a future method, allowing it to execute asynchronously. It calls a separate utility class to fetch weather data from an external API and processes it before updating Salesforce records.

Best Practices

- Governor Limits: Future methods have their own set of governor limits, so ensure that you’re not exceeding them.
- Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to handle exceptions gracefully.
- Bulkification: Design your future methods to handle bulk data efficiently to avoid hitting Apex governor limits.

Queueable Apex


Queueable Apex is another powerful feature that enables you to chain asynchronous jobs together in a more controlled manner compared to future methods. It allows you to define dependencies between jobs and provides better error handling capabilities.


public class MyQueueableClass implements Queueable {
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
// Perform asynchronous operation here

Use Cases

- Complex Workflows: Execute multiple asynchronous tasks sequentially with dependencies.
- Transactional Operations: Ensure that a series of operations are executed atomically.
- Governor Limit Management: Break down complex processes into smaller, manageable chunks to avoid hitting governor limits.


Suppose you have a requirement to process a large batch of records in Salesforce, where each record needs to undergo multiple steps of validation, enrichment, and transformation before being updated.

public class DataProcessingJob implements Queueable {
List<Record> records;

public DataProcessingJob(List<Record> records) {
this.records = records;
public void execute(QueueableContext context) {
for (Record record : records) {
// Perform validation, enrichment, and transformation
// Update the record

In this example, `DataProcessingJob` is a queueable Apex class that processes a batch of records sequentially.

Best Practices

- Chunking: Process records in batches to optimize performance and avoid hitting governor limits.
- Idempotent Operations: Ensure that operations are idempotent to handle potential failures and retries.
- Monitoring and Logging: Implement logging mechanisms to track job execution and identify issues quickly.

Additional Resources

- Trailhead Module: Asynchronous Apex
- Salesforce Developer Documentation: Future Methods
- Salesforce Developer Documentation: Queueable Apex
- Apex Design Patterns
- Advanced Apex Programming for Salesforce

Resources for Further Learning

To further enhance your understanding of advanced Apex features and Salesforce development in general, here are some recommended resources:

- Salesforce Apex Developer Guide: The official Apex developer guide provides comprehensive documentation and examples for mastering Apex programming.
- Trailhead: Salesforce’s interactive learning platform offers a wide range of modules and trails on Apex development, asynchronous processing, integrations, and more.
- Salesforce Developer Blog: Stay updated with the latest news, tips, and best practices from Salesforce developers and experts through the official developer blog.
- Stack Exchange — Salesforce: Engage with the Salesforce community, ask questions, and share knowledge on Stack Exchange’s dedicated Salesforce platform.


Mastering advanced Apex features like Future Methods and Queueable Apex opens up a world of possibilities for Salesforce developers. By leveraging these asynchronous execution mechanisms, you can build scalable and efficient solutions that meet the demands of complex business requirements. With the right understanding of their use cases, best practices, and resources for further learning, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most challenging development tasks in the Salesforce ecosystem.



Mohammad Usman

Trailblazer | Transforming Businesses through Salesforce Expertise | Salesforce Technical Architect, Consultant & Developer | Technical Lead