Marine Corps Veteran Needs Your Help!

2 min readMar 8, 2023


Covid-19 Recovery

Good morning to all!
I am a Marine Corps veteran. I was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. I went on a West Pacific tour off the coast of Iran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis campaign. I was on the USS Tuscaloosa LST-1187 and the USS Belleau Wood LHA-3. We were to helo in to do a rescue attempt but the hostages were released. Now, the reason for this post. I am asking you, the public, if you can and are willing to help my wife and I during a serious time of hardship. It’s hard to find help from our own government and certain organizations/foundations which is very disappointing and unfortunate, especially after serving our country from 1980-1984.🇺🇲
I’ve never been in this position and I’ve always been a provider helping others. I’ve had to humble myself to reach out for help as you can see.
I had received the Covid-19 virus at my workplace. Unfortunately, 5 of my coworkers passed away within days. I was immediately rushed from my residence to Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (in Vermont) and I was immediately put on the ventilator and rapidly going downhill. My wife had received the virus from me and was at home with no help while I was hospitalized. My very best friend and soulmate of 22 years almost passed away. Thankfully, she pulled through. I was starting to recover when my vitals started heading for the worse. They then had to transport me to Baystate Medical Center Intensive Care Unit in Springfield, Massachusetts and placed me back on the ventilator for a second time. My wife was in total devastation and my chances for survival were diminishing rapidly. Thankfully, I pulled through and survived for a 2nd chance of life and hopefully a long life with my loving wife. I was hospitalized for 2 months including oxygen and physical therapy. I’m 61 years old and I’m now oxygen dependent as I have pulmonary fibrosis in both lungs and have been placed on long term disability. Due to medical expenses as well as other financial responsibilities, I could use really use your help during this challenging time of hardship. If you could help us, we would be so very grateful. I want to have a peace in mind that my wife is not left with any debt. She has taken such very good care of me. I hope to live beyond retirement age (67) as well. If you wish to donate any amount, you may do so at . You may also put me on your social media (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.) or contact other acquaintances to help us out. Thank you so much for reading this post. My wife and I wish you and your families good health, happiness and prosperity.

