Off The Shelf E-Commerce Services ‘VS’ Custom E-Commerce Services

Anil Patel
6 min readSep 5, 2019


The power to choose lies in the hand of the customer. The technology has created a platform to cull the options, anticipating the demands and desires of the purchaser. One can easily avail the services and product in the form of raw material, semi-furnished goods, and furnished goods.

Accessibility to product has become easier with the development of E-Commerce websites and Android mobile applications. Thus, to rule the market of E-Commerce, each vendor or organization put the input of 100% in each way possible. Furthermore, the contingent targeted audience is moving toward the inch of screen i.e; Mobile phones.

In the nutshell, mobile-based apps are the gateway that opens up the solution to the need of organizations and brands in order to accelerate the floor of E-Commerce.

E-Commerce Applications as a speculum for the Business’s Market Value:

The software running on the desktop screens through URL’s are encapsulating to a zipped version of data. The wide mass is hooked to their mobile for the span of hours in a day. In order to reach the customer, the organization needs to seize the screen of the customer through the application of the required business.

The outlook and preface of application play an intense role in describing the luck for business. The brands and quality are important in secondary pace, once it gleans in the eyes and books of the customer.

Thus, the outlook, customization, and obligation of customers are basic requirements to add assets to the application for increasing the views and reach to the customer, relaxing its back on comfortable backrests.

Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services:

In general terms, Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce can be explained as a service to cull the options from the shelf or directory of designed resources. The Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce applications are pre-built applications by the organizations offering the services of Android and iOS application development.

This pre-built app consists of a number of templates, themes, set of fonts and editing options. Therefore, it makes an easy choice for the organization lacking with skilled developers and low on funds to generate the user-friendly preface in the form of application to run over the blockhead in the pace of technology.

Read more: Leading E-commerce statistics every merchant should be aware of

Custom E-Commerce Services:

In past years, the evolution of technology over mobile phones has given rise to the demand for custom application development services. The E-Commerce apps are one of the main reasons, why the population is sticking over mobile phones for the span of hours in a day.

The need for advanced outlook and preface arouses the call for customization. The better the experience of the app, the better the reach to customers! Customization of E-Commerce application is done anticipating the needs of the customer. Thus, it aims to provide optimized results with customer support for raised queries.

Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services ‘Versus’ Custom E-Commerce Services:

The software and application involved in the business for running the core units play a vital part in acquiring the output. In order to gain insights into the venture, it is very crucial to pass with dynamic productive value and earning the results in favour of the venture.

The application services provided by the organization driven through Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services or Custom Application Development Services should meet with the requirements of the customer curtailing the loopholes in business. Following are the rationales, working in ‘for’ and ‘against’ of these services:

The outlook of Application:

  • Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Service:

It is limited in terms of customizing the preface of application. It only has the authority to pull out the choices from the in-build set of templates and themes. No customization can be done pertaining to the demand of the organization and customer.

  • Custom E-Commerce Services:

In order to prevent the fall of application amid congregation over the play store, the theme and preface of the application should be unique in order to attain attention.


  • Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Service:

the Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce services offer the mobile-friendly experience. But due to huge traffic over the shared server, it may often lead to face downtime, ceasing the smooth way for working of application for completing the regulated task.

  • Custom E-Commerce Services:

The Custom Application Development Services offered by an organization gives the soothing experience of surfing the application. The customized feature exhibits the highly responsive nature, that can be accessed through devices like mobile, tablet, smartwatches and many other devices.

The customization is done in a way to reflect better insights and on-going trends. The customized application act as a ladder to reach customers as 80–90% of the global population is hooked to mobile these days.


  • Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Service:

The Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services lack with security concerns. These services predominantly use shared server, which is shared among a number of vendors. It can lead to causality likes data breach, attack of virus and attack of malicious sources. Thus, carrying the application of organizations that contain a number of important data at backend and frontend can cause danger to the stakes.

  • Custom E-Commerce Services:

The Custom E-Commerce Services offer the feature to secure the data for an organization, opted for one. It is important to determine regular security checks in the application. In order to fight security concerns, the Custom Application Development services for E-Commerce comes to the rescue of matter. These services offer security maintenance by evaluating the credibility of the organization and taking the necessary steps of measures required to protect the data from the breach.

Expertise Support:

  • Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Service:

The Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services offers support from expertise but limits it to report the collective issue of mass pertaining to the same issue. The one-on-one concept of expertise solution does not fall in this category.

  • Custom E-Commerce Services:

The Custom E-Commerce Services offers the development of the application through the professional expertise in the domain. It also offers after-services to application core. Apart from the support on the backend, the expertise solutions by executives are provided on the customer’s interface. It results in exceptional experience in gaining the output at both ends i.e; customer as well as marketer brand and market value.


  • Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Service:

The Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services is cheaper in cost as compared to the latter. Its cheap price enables the organization that is running low on funds to enjoy the privilege of application to run in the race of technology.

  • Custom E-Commerce Services:

The Custom E-Commerce Services are no doubt high in price as a comparison to Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services. But curtailing the prices, it provides eminence of resources to glean in the aeon of digitalization.

Read More: How to Transform E-commerce Business For Better Sales?

In Conclusion:

Therefore, one can choose their move in reference to factors working in favor of the organization. To summarize we can say that, if the organization is low on monetary basics as well as the application is not the main outlook for their business, then one can opt Off-The-Shelf E-Commerce Services.

Similarly, if the application act as an important part of their business and the organization is doing well in gaining monetary statements, then Custom E-Commerce Services is the best as the choice for coddling the application services.

This Content is Originaly Published On Shelf E-Commerce Services ‘VS’ Custom E-Commerce Services



Anil Patel

Digital Manager & Content Strategist Planner at USS LLC &, an app development agency,