Some resources to self learn Python

3 min readAug 5, 2019

Previously, I have shared how to self learn Python, and I have promised to give you some recommendations on books, and videos that may be helpful.


  1. All the resources I listed here are free, and I have no affiliation with them.
  2. I have personally read or watched all the resources listed.

Basic of Python

Python for Data Analysis is the first book I used to learn Python. You don’t have to read all the chapters. If you are new to Python, you can read Chapter 1 to 5 first. By reading these 5 chapters, I think it is enough to get you started to write Python codes.

And this is also a very good video series on introductory Python. But it is focused on Python, and does not introduce you to some very good packages like NumPy, and Pandas for analyzing data.


A decorator is a design pattern in Python that allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure.

Decorators are common in Python, especially when you look at larger codes. It is important to know something about decorators before looking at object-oriented programming in Python.

If you don’t understand what is a decorator, you need to read this article. It explains the subject clearly. It is just a 15 mins read. Strongly advice.

Object-oriented Programming in…

