Part 2: Unleash Your Scrum with Multi-Skilled Professionals — The Struggle for Authentic Transformation

Roman Usov
6 min readJan 2, 2024


In our last exploration, we navigated the historical legacies and the entrenched single-skilled mindset that can set Scrum teams up for failure. We uncovered how traditional organizational frameworks and a deeply ingrained belief in specialization over collaboration often hinder the effective adoption of Scrum. As we highlighted, adopting Scrum requires a significant shift in mindset, impacting both team dynamics and organizational culture.

As we continue our quest, Part 2 delves into the practical realities and challenges that organizations face when attempting to embrace Scrum.

On the one hand, it takes an organizational point of view, spotlighting a common pitfall many organizations encounter: the superficial implementation of Scrum. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging organizations to look beyond the mere appearance of Scrum — the ‘bells and whistles.’ It is a wake-up call for organizations to avoid the crucial mistake of implementing Scrum artificially, which can derail their Agile efforts.

On the other hand, moving from the organizational to the team level, it offers insights into what teams can expect when they embark on a genuine Scrum journey. This bit is crucial for understanding the seismic shifts in team dynamics, roles, and processes that occur when transitioning to Scrum. It provides a realistic view of the challenges and upheavals teams may face in a Scrum adoption.

So, let’s explore these intricate issues in depth, as we seek answers and strategies that are essential for avoiding or overcoming the hurdles in Scrum adoption, primarily through cultivating a multi-skilled paradigm.

If you’re just joining me in this series, you might find it helpful to read the earlier parts for context:

Introduction: Unleash Your Scrum with Multi-Skilled Professionals — An Elusive Ingredient For Successful Scrum Adoption

Part 1: Unleash Your Scrum with Multi-Skilled Professionals — The History and Background

Chapter 3

Scrum Masquerade: More of the Same in a New Wrapper

When an organization announces its shift to Scrum, there’s a palpable sense of anticipation. Scrum Teams are swiftly assembled, complete with their distinctive roles, artifacts, and ceremonies. Newly appointed Product Owners curate Product Backlogs, and everything seems primed for a bright, agile future. However, behind this shiny facade often lies an unchanged reality, reminiscent of a classic Potemkin village.

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Senior management tends to pigeonhole Scrum as merely a team-level framework, conveniently sidestepping any need for an organizational or managerial paradigm shift. They believe that if the teams are agile, the entire ship will steer faster. Consequently, the onus of swift and efficient delivery is passed onto the Scrum Teams.

Driven by historical structures, organizations simply retrofit Scrum into their existing mold of business processes and technical components. This “copy-paste” scaling mentality creates teams that are narrowly focused on specific components or process parts.

The same old bureaucratic policies persist, championing individual performance metrics and rewards over team-based accomplishments. Functional managers, be they from Java, QA, or Frontend Development realms, maintain their hold on salary structures and performance evaluations sharing appraisal responsibilities with Scrum Masters. The tech leads continue to have the final say on technical and architectural decisions.

The result? Scrum Teams fragmented by specialty with their own Product Backlogs and component Product Owners. Features are no longer whole; they’re dissected to fit the confines of each team’s expertise leading to a web of dependencies because each team can only deliver a feature part. It’s not uncommon for a feature’s journey to span multiple Sprints: design in one, analysis in the next, and actual development and testing stretching over subsequent Sprints.

Sprint planning often becomes a juggling act, with Scrum Masters orchestrating to ensure every team member is adequately “busy.” Tasks are picked to fill perceived gaps in individual workloads.

What was once a waterfall model, segmented by specialized silos, now gets a facelift as an expansive Kanban board. Each team member becomes confined to their specialization column, operating from a tailored task backlog. The age-old friction between roles persists: testers lambast developers for perceived low-quality code; developers critique analysts for lackluster specifications; analysts point fingers at designers. It’s the same old song and dance.

Bottlenecks become a frequent sight. Cross-role collaboration is minimal, with developers reluctant to venture beyond their designated tasks. As bottlenecks mount, the impulse is to bring in new tasks while the overloaded team members are taking care of the bottlenecks.

The dynamics produced by such entrenched mindsets and work patterns within the Scrum framework inevitably slow down not just delivery but also the organization’s ability to learn and adapt. Delving deeper into these dynamics reveals a more systemic issue, one that is intricately woven into the very fabric of the organization’s approach to Scrum.

Chapter 4

Navigating the New Reality: The Complex Landscape of a Fresh Scrum Team

Transitioning to Scrum reshapes the very fabric of the team’s professional experience, dynamics, and individual roles. Often, this transformation can feel overwhelming, akin to stepping into a parallel universe governed by its own laws of physics.

At the crux of this metamorphosis is the daunting task of achieving the Sprint Goal by delivering a fully operational, “Done” increment by the end of each Sprint. To fulfill this mission, the team must shepherd a set of Product Backlog Items (PBIs) from “To Do” into the realm of “Done.”

Gone are the days of linear, assembly-line-like processes — design, analysis, development, and testing — that each member could approach in isolation and sequence. Instead, the journey from concept to completion becomes nonlinear, fraught with high uncertainty, unexpected twists, and iterative backtracking. Gaining new insights at various stages often sends the team back to the drawing board, whether it’s revisiting a development issue or reassessing the original idea altogether.

The magnitude of this paradigm shift can’t be overstated. The goalposts have moved. Work is no longer about completing just a coding assignment or a QA test. Tasks are interrelated and interdependent; the outcome depends on many people. Each member pivots from ticking off isolated tasks to being collectively accountable for a product increment that is ready to ship. The adage, “If everyone does their job, everything will come together,” suddenly seems archaic. The quality of interactions among team members takes center stage, becoming the linchpin for success or failure. The whole is indeed greater than the sum of its parts.

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With the focus on the most important part of the product, achieving a well-balanced workload becomes a near-mythic quest. Each Sprint presents its own set of imbalances — perhaps it’s backend-heavy, or maybe the spotlight is on the frontend, or suddenly, testing becomes an all-consuming endeavor. These ebbs and flows lead to dichotomies where some team members face overwhelming workloads while others grapple with underutilization.

But the challenges don’t end there. Now feature-driven and cross-functional, the team faces the daunting realization that some puzzle pieces are missing. As the team grapples with a multitude of architectural components to solve tangible user or business problems, gaps in critical skills become glaringly evident. The team finds themselves ensnared in specialized tasks, wrestling with obstacles they never anticipated. Dependencies crop up, whether on external teams or specialized internal roles, creating a complex web that the team can’t easily disentangle.

This part of the series might seem to underscore the problems more than the solutions. I concur and encourage you to view this as a necessary foundation for what lies ahead. Understanding these challenges in-depth is crucial for navigating the path to effective Scrum adoption.

​​In the upcoming articles, we will gradually shift our focus towards practical strategies that revolve around cultivating multi-skilled Scrum teams, a pivotal approach for overcoming the challenges of Scrum adoption and unleashing the full potential of Scrum.

So, stay with me on this enlightening journey. The road to mastering Scrum might be complex, but it is truly filled with opportunities for learning and growth.

Continue exploring the nuances of multi-skilling in transforming our Scrum practices and elevating our teams to new heights of agility in the next part of the series:

Part 3: Unleash Your Scrum with Multi-Skilled Professionals — Exploring The Single-Skilled Dynamics

