Day 1 — writing a diary with ChatGPT.

2 min readFeb 23, 2023


“Dear Diary,
Today is Feb 23, 2023, and I’m sitting down to write in this journal for the first time. I’ve always wanted to keep a diary, but I’ve never been sure where to start or what to write about. So, I thought I’d give it a try and see where it takes me.
Right now, I’m feeling little anxious because I had a really disturbing dream. It’s been a challenging because it reminded me many things that I have been trying to forget about. But despite that, I’m grateful for how my life turned out and how many great people and activities I have at the present moment
Yesterday, I had a day off from work which is first of a 6-day break. I spent most of the first day with my friend from junior high, Sarah. It was really nourishing experience. We talked about relationships, music and ideas for new businesses and had a great meal in a cozy place. Before the meeting I had also spoken to my clients who turned out to be in a very interesting project which might help me with my new idea. It was nice to connect with them.
Looking ahead, I’m feeling excited about all new business activities I am preparing for. I hope that I will see some changes in the upcoming days.
That’s all for now. I’m motivated to continue writing in this diary and see where my thoughts take me.
Best regards, Olivia”

We invite you to join us in this project and start your own diary writing journey with the help of our AI tool, ChatGPT. We strongly believe that by utilizing AI tools to perform the computational elements of diary writing, we can free up more time and energy for introspection and self-discovery.

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