Utkarsh Srivastava
2 min readSep 23, 2023

Why do you need to sign a prenuptial agreement? Marriage is supposed to be for life.

You’re right; the ideal of marriage is a lifelong commitment. However, life is full of unexpected turns, and while no one enters marriage expecting it to end, statistics and my experience as a family lawyer tell a different story. Here’s why many people consider a prenuptial agreement:

  1. Protection of Assets: If one party has significant assets, they may want to protect those in case of a divorce.
    It’s not about expecting the marriage to fail but preparing for all possibilities, much like insurance.
  2. Debt Protection: Just as assets can be protected, so can one be shielded from a partner’s pre-marital debt.
    Without a prenup, creditors can sometimes go after marital property even if only one spouse is the debtor.
  3. Clarity: Prenups can clarify financial expectations in a marriage, helping reduce future disagreements. It’s a platform to discuss finances openly and transparently.
  4. Estate Planning: Especially relevant for older couples or those with children from prior relationships, prenups can specify what goes to whom in case of death, working along with a will.
  5. Saves Time and Money: If a divorce does happen, a prenup can make the process faster and less costly, as many issues would have been pre-decided.
  6. Emotional Considerations: Discussing and agreeing upon these matters before marriage can actually strengthen a relationship, as it requires open communication and understanding each other’s priorities.

While marriage is a beautiful commitment, it’s also a legal contract.

And just as you’d protect yourself in other legal agreements, a prenuptial agreement offers a measure of protection in this very personal contract.

Remember, it’s not about planning for the marriage to end but being prepared for any of life’s uncertainties.

Utkarsh Srivastava

Successfully given divorce consultancy services to more than 10,500 customers which include couples from India, New York, Nigeria, Dubai, NSW, etc.