Starting My GSoC Project with Sugar Labs

2 min readJun 12, 2024


Hey everyone! I’m here to share my progress on my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project with Sugar Labs. I wanted to update you all on what I’ve been working on, what’s been completed, and what’s next on my list.

First, a bit about me: I’m Utkarsh Siddhpura, a third-year undergraduate computer science student. This is my second year participating in GSoC with Sugar Labs. Last year, I also worked with this amazing organization, and I’m very excited to be back again.

My project this year is focused on migrating to finalize the implementation of Sugarizer Core UI using Vue.js framework by implementing remaining screens, integrating the tutorial, porting Electron functionality, and ensuring compatibility with Android devices.

The project will significantly impact Sugar Labs by transitioning the Sugarizer Core from the deprecated EnyoJS framework to Vue.js.

Tasks Completed So Far

I completed the migration to i18next-vue, improving the old localization code. This makes the app easier to manage for future localization needs.

I also created a new component called Prompt. This component alerts, prompts, or requests confirmation from the user. It's now integrated into the app to display a confirmation dialog when logging off.

I optimized icon coloring to ensure icons are displayed efficiently.

Before Optimization:

Refreshing Page (Before Optimization)

After Optimization:

Refreshing Page (After Optimization)

Tasks To Be Done Next

I need to finish reviewing and refactoring any hard-coded target tests in the show popup feature.

Next, I’ll start implementing the neighborhood view. This is a significant part of the project because it’s crucial for user collaboration.

I’ll also be working on creating and integrating tutorials for the home, list, and neighborhood views. These tutorials are essential for helping new users get started.

You can find the code for these changes in my PR here.

Get Involved

If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to join the discussion on our Discord channel. Your input is always welcome!

