10 Awesome Science Facts

Utkarsh Trivedi
5 min readApr 13, 2022


Photo: Vector by Freepik

When we talk about science we usually think about experiments, some laws, and our school days.

But there is more than what we are taught in school.

Certainly, there are more interesting science to talk about and many of us don’t know about those cool stuffs!

In this article, I am going to tell you 10 amazing science facts that you never knew but will surely blow your mind.

1. Balls can fly if they spin.

In the event that you played any sort of game, like tennis or soccer, at that point you might have experienced the Magnus impact, but you didn’t know it then.

For instance, some folks dropped a ball from the height of a 415 foot. At the point when they just released the ball, it fell just below the point where they were standing.

To the next ball, they included a turn before dropping, and the outcome was that the ball wound up flying through the air.

The Magnus effect shows how balls spin and fly all around in the game of tennis and football.

2. Explosives are more deadly in water.

Bombs and explosives are a big deal, and in the event that we experience one face to face, we believe we’re surely doomed.

In the event that you experience an explosive submerged, you’re in reality more averse to endure that as compared to if you experience an explosive at land.


Because the impact from a blast is less deadly on the grounds as the air is compressible and the air between you and the blast act as a cushion for the shockwave.

But when submerged, the impact wave will squash your lungs since you can’t retaliate with an influx of equivalent power.

So on the off chance that you see an explosive submerged, escape the water ASAP!

3. See without spectacles.

If you wear glasses, and you realize that on the off chance that you don’t have them, you’re practically screwed.

However, there is another way around.

Regardless of whether your glasses broke, or you lost your contacts, there is another way!

You can make a pinhole with your palm and glance through it.

It works!

Is this magic? ………..NO.

Vision is associated with light and its amount that is getting through your retinas.

By making a pinhole, you are controlling and focusing the light that is falling into your retinas and will assist you with seeing more clear without your glasses.

Clearly, don’t attempt this stunt while driving.

4. Exploding whales.

Dead whales show up on seashores frequently.

If you see a dead whale on the seashore, you may be curious to get a more close up look.

But as a general rule, you have to remain as far as you could be under these circumstances.

As the dead whale decays, it starts filling up with methane and different gases from the inside. Since people love to look around at dead whales, this could make the body explode when incited.

Not only it creates a big mess all around, but will be a mess that smells terrible!

5. Raining diamonds.

If only you were living on Saturn and Jupiter you would have been rich.

Scientists have done some mind-boggling researches and now accepted that diamonds rain from the skies of Saturn and Jupiter.

It’s because of methane is turned into soot ( which is ultimately carbon ) and eventually into big chunks of graphite due to the planets’ continuous lightning storms.

At that point, the sediment solidifies into pieces of graphite and diamond as it falls down to the ground.

This hail storm produces diamonds which could be put on a ring or necklace.

6. Star eater black holes.

Investigation on Stars and Black holes have been carried out for a long time.

In science classes, we discovered that stars can get swallowed up by black holes.

We usually wonder how that occurs? Furthermore, what does it resemble?

At the point when a dark hole swallows the star, the star is torn separated by the dark hole’s gravitational power. A part of the star is ingulfed into the black hole and the rest is thrown out, making a gigantic blast of plasma shoot out.

So next time you get in a difficult situation for burping at the table, simply state you’re imitating a black hole!

7. No burping in space.

On the off chance that you are dreaming about turning into a space explorer, and one day you want to burp in space, at that point just remember that…

‘There is no chance you can burp in space.’

Everything relies upon gravity. Gravity helps keep the solid and wet stuff down so that if anything comes out, it is gas.

In any case, when there is no gravity after you attempt to burp, you’ll end up puking.

The equivalent goes for farting…if you try doing it, things will go to an entirely different cosmic level!

8. Simultaneous freezing and boiling of water.

We have already discovered that in the event that water gets to 0 degrees Celsius, it freezes. If water arrives at 100 degrees Celsius, it starts boiling.

In light of this, it should be impossible for water to freeze and boil simultaneously, correct?


It can occur at “the triple point” which is 0.01 degrees Celsius.

It happens when conditions are perfect for every one of the three states of water (solid, fluid, and vapor) to coexist in thermodynamic balance.

9. One teaspoon of neutron star.

A Neutron star is what is left when a star dies.

Usually, when a star dies it explodes in a supernova, but its core collapses into itself due to gravity.

Scientists have calculated the mass of stars and galaxies in solar masses where one solar mass is the mass of the sun.

A neutron star has a mass of three solar masses, that is if we take just a teaspoon full of neutron star it will weigh 10 billion tons!

10. Atoms are mostly empty.

The atoms that make up our general surroundings appear to be solid, however, 99.99 % of the space within the atom is void.

An atom comprises of a little, thick core encompassed by a haze of electrons, spread over a proportionately tremendous zone.

If we take out all the space from the atom, the entire population of earth can fit into a volume of a sugar cube.

