AMA with Atlas

6 min readSep 5, 2022


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šŸ˜‰ For those who missed the AMA on Sep 2nd, here is the AMA script for you:

Host: Jennifer, as we know it is the first time Atlas hold an AMA campaign with us, can you have a brief introduction to our new users?

Atlas Marketing:

Yes, Sure. AtlasDefi is an Expect advisor and belongs to the Boston Dynamic group. We are marketing this robot globally, As an intelligent Expert advisor, which can help traders monitor the trading market 7*24H and make profits from the market price difference, helping Atlas employers to achieve ultra-low risk, and stable income.

Atlas has an attractive win-to-earn ecology, you can enjoy stable daily income on Atlas, and at the same time, you can also join our win-to-earn ecology to amplify your earnings.

Host: How can we join Atlas?

Atlas Marketing:

Good question! As the saying goes, to really understand something, the first thing to do is to participate, and then evaluate, right? There is an APP, you can register first, and you will receive a 5U trial fee when you register! Very simple, it only takes 2 minutes to complete the full registration. Atlas does its best to simplify the process and provide our users with a better experience! Sign up for benefits.

Host: After becoming an Atlas user, what should I do next?

Atlas Marketing:

Okay, let me clarify. When successful registration, you will enjoy the 5U trial fund, and by staking it, you will enjoy the daily ATAS income at UTC+0 0:00. The income ATAS can be withdrawn at any time, and no handling fee. $ATAS has successfully launched on PancakeSwap, DEXToolsApp, and Ave.

Official Contract Address : 0xED505B466Af35d773a2966db2577A2f984d8dAD5

After acquiring these ATAS tokens, you have three options:

1. You can sell these tokens on the exchange, of course, you may think that these incomes are very small, yes, it is really worthless until the ATAS price rises significantly.

2. You can hold ATAS and wait for a big rise to a higher price. With the increase of Atlas users, peopleā€™s needs for ATAS will rapidly increase, and the price of ATAS will also sharply increase.

3. You can also spend ATAS to participate in the quiz game, you may only need 0.5U equivalent ATAS to get a quiz prize of up to $45,000. Unlimited magnification of your wealth.

Host: We recharge USDT to Atlas, how to ensure the safety of our funds?

Atlas Marketing:

Good question! Safety must be the first consideration for users, I will explain to you in detail several aspects. First, as to the security of a project, we need to consider where it comes from and where it is going, right? As I said, Atlas is from Boston Dynamics Group, which we all know is a very well-known group. Atlas intelligent robot is an intelligent investment robot invested heavily in research and development by Boston Group and operated independently. The team members are from Boston Dynamics, HSBC, Fidelity Asset Management, Bridgewater Fund, and many other financial elites. Atlas has achieved outstanding results in traditional financial markets over the past year. And this is the first attempt of Atlas on the cross-border development of blockchain.

The second aspect, of the item, is hematopoietic function. We are not a single human nature consensus Defi project. The income of user investment must be generated by real profit, not just to raise the price by sharing.

Host: How does the ATLAS robot make a profit?

Atlas Marketing:

The various arbitrage strategies of the ATLAS robot execute arbitrage separately for different environments and market conditions. For example, order arbitrage, by monitoring all the data of transactions on the blockchain, automatically filters out large orders and then calculates the expected profit based on many parameters such as the total LP of the transaction pair, order ratio, slippage percentage, etc. The above steps need to be within 0.00 milliseconds After completing the calculation, the robot will increase the GAS by implanting the order to complete the purchase first. After the purchase is successful, the robot will continue to monitor whether the order is completed, and then immediately sell it for profit within 0.00 milliseconds. With its professional AI technology and financial experience, the atlas is able to obtain real benefits from the market. Then, distribute the profits to our users. The third aspect is that the open defi function is only a section of our entire ecology, as a drainage function. We have the worldā€™s great brands, first-class asset management core talents, and the most complete marketing system. I believe that we will be able to create brilliant results.

If the fund achieves amazing performance, our Win-to-Earn ecosystem will continue to develop, Atlas will also create its own Exchange, develop its own decentralized wallet, etc. ATAS will grow infinitely, forming a complete closed loop. So you donā€™t need to worry about the security of Atlas, Atlas will surely develop into a great brand, and ATAS token will surely gain global attention and create another miracle

Host: Thatā€™s so cool, can you tell us about your token systems?

Atlas Marketing:

Yes, the token ecology is the focus of our attention. As a Defi project, our token economic model is similar. $ATAS is the unique token of Atlas win-win platform and undertakes the core function of the economic hub of the whole ecology. $ATAS is issued based on the BSC chain. Earning money is the core proposition of the Altas platform, helping every user obtain stable and predictable wealth from the blockchain.

Some would argue that transaction fees are high. I think the high handling fee of ATAS is the biggest highlight of the Atlas token ecology. Officially, because of the high transaction fees, more Atlas token believers will be generated. As we have experienced, the value of BTC has increased by 20 million times, but it has not made enough people rich, why? Officially, because of our lack of belief and lack of long-term waiting for cryptocurrencies, we frequently trade, which ultimately leads to our inability to earn enough income. Therefore, the high transaction fee of ATAS will make more buyers hold the token for a long time and wait for a higher price.

Host: You just told me that Atlas has a well-established marketing system, can you tell us more?

Atlas Marketing:

Of course, my honor. Atlasā€™ marketing system is very attractive, which is the most fundamental reason why Atlas users are developing rapidly. Every time a user refers a new user to sign up for Atlas, the inviter will receive a corresponding trial fund reward, and these trial funds will be used to hire atlas to obtain ATAS income. We can see that when you directly recommend more than 500 users, you can participate in our lucky draw, and you can get up to 3,000u trial fund, which is perfect! From the table, we can see that the more invitations you have, the more you will be rewarded and the more ATAS tokens you will generate every day. Wait until the price of ATAS rises rapidly, then you sell your ATAS, you will get income over your imagination, Amazing!

Host: A strong community not only brings interesting ideas to the project but also attracts larger partners. So how does Creator plan to build his community? And are there any plans to recruit people with Blockchain experience to the Creator team?

Atlas Marketing:

Of course, our target market is global. This plan is already under implementation. At present, our telegram community has over 190,000 followers. with the rapid growthšŸ“ˆ of Atlas users, we need to recruit more marketing and service workers in major language communities, including Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian, Indonesian, etc. If you are interested in it, please contact us. We are also currently hiring:

Welcome more elites to join, thanksļ¼




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