AMA with Versailles Heroes

7 min readNov 24, 2022


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For those who missed the AMA on Nov 18, here is the AMA script for you:

Q1: Awesome and welcome! Ash, Can you tell us what Versailles Heroes is?

ANS: Versailles Heroes is a competitive F2P PVP multiplayer online battle arena, commonly referred to as a MOBA game, with a hint of sci-fi. Players (solo or in teams) compete for possession of the map. To succeed, players must outmaneuver their opponents and gain control of the battlefield using their strategic skills.

The game is built on the Ethereum Blockchain and employs blockchain technology to create & maintain an immutable record of in-game behaviors, allowing players to receive prizes for their accomplishments. So, Versailles Heroes emphasizes teamwork and strategy. The game’s NFT heroes are masterfully developed for seamless matches and combat, each with their unique ability utilized in the game.

And finally, no surprise, it’s a P2E game after all and hence players earn the in-game native token MOH (stands for Medal of Honor) which can be used as GAS to help boost VRH mining speed. However, in the future, we will expand the utility of the MOH token for in-game purchases, purchasing mystery boxes, and/or upgrading NFT.

Q2: Can you share with us a few things about the gameplay and game design?

ANS: First of all, Versailles Heroes is a competitive MOBA game with a PVP and PVE matchmaking mechanism. As you may know, that is one of the most successful genres of MMOs out there today and games from this genre consistently rank in the top 3 in the gaming industry ranking list.

Versailles Heroes has 4 unique battle modes with a lot of scenarios for it to be engaging for everyone, namely Battle Royale, Death Match, Trophies Collection, and Inhibitor Rush. We also offer Practice mode which serves as a “Training Ground”. In this mode, players essentially play against AI bots to familiarize themselves with each hero and their skills, and use of the weapons and to generally improve their combat skills in the game. Furthermore, we have made many improvements to make the game more fun and in line with market demand such as:

  • Upgradeable NFTs
  • Fast Pace of the game is 4–5 mins per game

Story Development: Versailles Heroes’ background story is ever-developing, and so is our hero collection. More and more amazing stories are waiting to be told, and more and more heroes are going to join the players in battle.

Community Governance: The ultimate goal of Versailles Heroes is to become a true community-governed project. The players will be able to decide the direction of game development but even manage the public funds and transform into a full-fledged DAO.

At the same time, we also added a lot of diversified competitive elements from the level of our game design to the design of its NFT.

Q3: Can you briefly introduce yourself to us?

ANS: I am Ash and I am a marketer researcher and growth marketing specialist with more than 3 years of experience in the crypto and Web3 space.

I am the Market Researcher for Versailles Heroes Labs, a blockchain-based gaming ecosystem, leveraging the best features and utilities Web3 offers to build the best gaming experience for both active and passive users.

Currently, I am importantly involved in the marketing of the Heroes NFT, which is to be launched by the end of this month in Binance Marketplace. Working on the Heroes NFT launch has been one of the numerous exciting tasks I have executed for Versailles Heroes, owing to the fact that 1000 mystery boxes are to be hunted by users, and the winners get other amazing prizes alongside.

Q4: Talking about NFTs, can you share with us, what is the difference between Versailles heroes NFT and other traditional gaming NFTs?

ANS: Well, as I said above, the biggest difference is that Versailles Hero NFT is an upgradeable NFT, and hence quite different from the typical collectible NFTs or the traditional “consumable” NFTs used in the play-to-earn games, which are usually monetized via minting and staking. Versailles Heroes token’s differentiator is that while it’s a “consumable” NFT, it’s also upgradeable.

What this means is that while the NFT is used within the game like in other P2E games, they accumulate value with the number of battles they’ve participated in regardless of the result of the battle. Each Hero NFT has a fixed number of the daily max number of battles it can participate in. This max limit in turn depends on the rarity of the Hero NFT ranging from 8 for common, to 15 for legendary. A player with a common NFT can upgrade to increase their battle count

Furthermore, if they then win the battles, wins are accumulated and count towards their Proficiency rewards which earn them additional bonus rewards. This feedback loop amplifies not only the excitement and fun but earnings too as there is always a new milestone to reach and a chance to accelerate their token rewards. This is the most promising revenue mechanism in the Versailles Heroes NFT earning system.

Q5: Nowadays we see many projects failing to balance the price of tokens and NFTs, so how do you plan to protect the price of NFT and balance the token price?

ANS: When the number of NFTs and corresponding upgrades reach a certain level, the production of game coins is increasing as well. This is quite a common phenomenon in the crypto markets today and we believe that tighter control and better mechanisms to balance liquidity are essential to maintain token price by managing circulation supply through burning and destroying as well as the utility of the token.

As I mentioned above, in most P2E games today when the game is popular, the demand for the NFTs is high but so is the supply. Our solution, however, is to change the rules of the market so that the market demand is not to buy new NFTs. Instead, upgrade the NFT or buy another player’s NFT with a high proficiency level in the market, which means that when inflation hits, Versailles Heroes’ upgrade system helps protect the demand for NFTs and keep the upgraded NFTs profitable and sustain healthy earnings.

Also, there is one more thing to share with our audience the mystery boxes will launch at the BINANCE NFT marketplace on November 25, 00:00 AM UTC along with our official marketplace. These boxes are limited to 1000 though. So better be quick!

Q6: That’s great to hear about the Binance marketplace listing, our viewers are getting curious to know more about the dual token ecology. Can you please explain more about MOH and VRH tokens?

ANS: We have a dual-token mining mechanism where both the MOH and the VRH token can be used to mine more of VRH, the DAO governance token. The mining output is a function of the combined “weight” of both, the VRH and MOH tokens a user holds and collectively contribute to a user’s “weight” in mining and governance. The VRH token provides the “base weight” while the MOH token amplifies the base weight 2.5x and hence 2.5x the mining revenue. VRH is essentially the vote, the governance token.

What’s unique is that we don’t have decentralized transaction pools, but a single pool for staking which yields veVRH as staking rewards. So essentially, DAO members can stake their VRH for up to 4 years to get veVRH where veVRH has a 1:1 correlation with VRH token and hence equal governance power. In our dual-token economy, VRH serves as the base weight along with the MOH booster as GAS to accelerate mining by 2.5x and you can become a member of our DAO just by holding the VRH token, and join our discord.

Now coming to MOH as MOH is mintable the more MOH that’s in circulation, the greater the race to mine VRH, and the higher the GAS consumption adding to the already network-wide competition mechanism for VRH mining. Also, let me introduce the gMOH token, which is the in-game reward token, gMOH with which it has a 1:1 correlation i.e., gMOH can be converted at a 1:1 ratio to MOH and traded for profit.

In the future, the utility for the MOH token will also be extended to buy items, props, weapons & NFT mystery boxes in-game as well as on secondary NFT marketplaces and to be listed on exchanges and available on various DEXes for trading and other Defi activities. These incentives will lead to accelerating MOH burn, kicking in deflation as well as bringing balance to the game economics.

Q7: Can you tell us a little bit about your marketing strategy, trading platforms for VRH and MOH tokens, and how the reception has been so far?

ANS: Yes sure, so as far as the community, economic model, and reach of Versailles Heroes is concerned, we have 80K+ followers on Twitter and a rapidly growing Discord community of 130K+ members. As for the reception and anticipation of the launch of the game, our very 1st whitelist event of 10,000 spots closed in less than 48hrs in the first stage, and this caught the attention of many GameFi guilds, investors, and media, given the jump in our Twitter and Discord members and the daily messages we’re receiving for interviews, reviews, and such

As for the marketing strategy, we have a 3-pronged approach including prominent Blockchain publications, and Tier 1 trading platforms (CEX and DEX). We are watching all major crypto & gaming events very closely as that’s where you find the earliest and most passionate adopters.

Fortunately, the reception across the board has been tremendous up to now and we did many partnerships and collaborations, and more to come next. Some of these partnerships have been with some prominent CEX, wallets, and secondary NFT marketplaces like that “Opensea” and “Binance marketplace”.

Lastly, we are also working closely with some gaming associations, focused on the advancement and promotion of gaming, blockchain, and Web3.

Q8: Are there any pre-launch activities or campaigns during the NFT launch activity in Binance Marketplace?

Ans: Well, definitely we do, we have 10,000,000 MOH to be pre-minted during launch, out of the 10,000,000 MOH issued by pre-mining, 300,000 will be used for creator rewards, 700,000 will be rewarded to communities, and 9,000,000 will be airdropped to users who participate in the NFT pre-sale event. So you guys better not miss this opportunity.

Here is the link to the post:




Utopo is a metaverse game recommendation platform and a community that integrates SocialFI into GameFI.