Confused about life and work? 8 questions to help you out

Utsav Mamoria
2 min readJul 20, 2021


Figuring out what you want to do with your life is hard. I was lucky enough to find my calling early, and am able to make a career out of it. Having understood what drives me as a person, I have been able to pick and choose personal passion projects as well, which I have taken to fruition.

Over the past few years, I have had conversations with multiple people who are trying to figure it out. These are people in their 20’s but also those in their 30’s.

Basis these interactions, I have carved out 8 questions that I found most useful in helping people. This is purely based on my experiences, and not a magic bullet. The outcomes of this exercise depend as much on the questions as it depends on how much time you spend thinking about them. Be honest, you are doing this for yourself. Write as much as you would like.

1. In an ideal world, what would your average day be like?

2. What are the key things you love about your current job?

3. What are the key things you hate about your current job?

4. What do you count as some of your biggest successes?

5. What do you count as some of your biggest failures?

6. What are your biggest insecurities?

7. What are the goals you would like to achieve? List them down from the most critical to the least critical. It is ok if you are not able to prioritize, just list them down in any order

8. What stops you from achieving these goals today?

For only those who have partners / serious committed relationships

9. How supportive do you reckon your partner to be?

If you are comfortable sharing your answers with me, I am happy to have a short discussion with you on how to use these answers. Drop me a message on Twitter !



Utsav Mamoria

Researcher at heart, loves to understand human behaviour, author of upcoming book: China Unseen —