Metrics for Product Managers

2 min readMar 30, 2019


What is Metrics:

  • Metrics is just a fancy term for a number that describes what’s going on with your product. It’s a measurement of something.

What makes the metrics good?

  • A metric should be understandable
  • Metrics should usually be a rate or ratio
  • Correlation

Common Metrics for Product Managers are:

  • Monthly active users
  • Returning users
  • Churned users
  • App store reviews

You can define the success of any feature with the help of metrics. For example, if you are building a feature then you can set a goal that this feature will increase these metrics and this is how we can measure the success of any feature.

Metrics that Matter

Example of Facebook:

  • Facebook wants to increase the time people spend at FB and this is an entire company goal.
  • As a PM of a small team, your role is to support company goal. So a PM will think to increase comment and post which will increase the amount of time people spend at FB
  • Engagement Metrics:
    - Position clicks
    - Messages Sent
    - Time spent on site
    - Average number of likes per day per user

Example of Twitter:

  • Growth Metrics:
    - Total new users/month
    - Monthly/Daily active users
    - Activated users/month
  • Engagement Metrics:
    - Multiple logins per day
    - Time spent
    - Number of tweets sent per user
    - Average number of likes, retweets and followers
    - Number of messages sent

Example of Youtube:

  • Engagement Metrics:
    - Video views per user
    - Average viewing time per users

Types of metrics:

  1. Growth and Acquisition:
    - This is a bucket of metrics that basically tracks and measures, informs you how your company or product is growing.
    - Examples:
    — Total new users per month or per week
    — New users by source (This is a very important metric)
    — Activated users mean the users who did any certain activity after signup
  2. Retention:
    - It’s simply a way to find out who’s coming back. It’s just how many people were here last month that are nowhere in this month using it again
    - Examples:
    — Retained users
    — Resurrected users are the users who come back after getting churn
  3. Engagement:
    - Engagement is going to be one of the most common things for the Product Manager to be tracking.
    - Examples:
    — Number of logins
    — Number of active users
    — Number of emails sent per day
  4. User Happiness:
    - How happy are our users?
    - Examples:
    — NPS score
    — Number of complaints
    — Number of Bad reviews
  5. Revenue Metrics:
    - How much revenue we are making?
    - Examples:
    — LTV — Life Time Value
    — CCA — Cost of Customer Acquisition
    — MRR — Monthly Recurring Revenue
    — ARR — Annual Recurring Revenue




Product Manager. Major interests in SaaS, UX, Retention & Churn.