Blessed are the flexible . . .


. . . for they shall not be bent out of shape! This Sufi saying was loosely translated by Imam Jamal Rahman on BBC’s “World of Wisdom” this past Sunday morning. The program endeavors to answer difficult questions from listeners. Sunday’s question was “How do I use my precious time in later life?” a question I’ve often asked.

To listen to the entire 18-minute interview, go to:

But, back to the saying. In this ever-changing culture of COVID-19, flexibility is a virtue. What is true today may be history tomorrow. Vaccination deniers are unswayed by facts; I need to keep my distance from them — literally. The homemade cloth mask I used to wear is now abandoned for a KN-95 mask. I didn’t receive the results from the PCR test I took on Friday until 12:10 am Monday morning, 5 hours after my RSO rehearsal started.

Be prepared for change, right around the corner.

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

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