Differ We Must


Tuesday morning I listened to a podcast from Alan Alda’s “Clear and Vivid” as he interviewed Steve Inskeep of NPR’s “Morning Edition” about his newest book, Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America. His slant was the parallels between the mid-1800’s and today’s divided politics. He found communication methods that allowed Lincoln to make coalitions with people who disagreed with him and allowed the abolition of slavery.

I’m really interested in learning techniques from Steve’s book about Lincoln’s communication. I actually listed to Alan Alda’s 40-minute podcast 3 times, gleaning more ideas each time. And I ordered the book from Amazon.

If you’re interested in the Inskeep book, this 6:41 minute video from the PBS Newshour will give you an introduction:


If you want a more in-depth interview, the C-SPAN Washington Journal program from 12/25/23 is 59:50 minutes long.


Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



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