Forrest Church: a Universalist Theologian


I just finished Rev. Forrest Church’s last book, The Cathedral of the World: A Universalist Theology. He wrote 24 books, but this book was published in 2009, the year he died. He knew his life was winding down as he wrote it; this may have focused his view. I’ve portioned it out a chapter a day — 25 chapters. His words have made sense of so many ideas for me, from patriotism, to accepting Trumpers. But the words that have stuck with me are these, his last mantra: “Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are.”

This is so simple, yet so profound. “Want what you have” rejects the mantra of capitalism that we always want to buy something we don’t have. But it also rejects whining. Be happy with the friends you have, the health you have, the town in which you live. Live with gratitude.

“Do what you can” is happiness with my own abilities and the work I can do in the world, without craving more power or status. But it also pushes me to do all I can, not just the minimum to get by. And it implies that I should do what I can for other people as well as myself.

“Be who you are,” may be the hardest goal, since figuring out just who I am takes a lifetime. It’s hard to ignore what other people want me to be. It’s hard to accept criticism. It’s hard to be honest with myself.

I think I’m going to adopt Rev. Church’s mantra as my own. I think it will last a lifetime.

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

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