Implicit Bias


I’ve been reading Emmanuel Acho’s Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, having encountered it at his website, “Uncomfortable Conversations with Emmanuel Acho,” where I watched several of his 12 video conversations.

I like his style, both verbally in his videos and printed in his books. In contrast to several other books on anti-racism, his is easier to digest without emotional upset, although the messages are the same.

In the chapter on implicit bias, “What Do You Say When You See Me?” he recommends we white folks take an implicit bias test. He named the Harvard test, which is actually of a battery of 18 different tests, each focused on a particular stereotype. Each test takes about 10 minutes. I took one on Age, young/old, and a second on Race, black/white. As a “woke” liberal, I was shocked at my results.

Are you curious how you would score? Check it out at:

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

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