Literature Link for June 26, 2022

Dale is on vacation in Colorado until July 9

• NPR — Poet Amanda Gorman celebrates the gift of Blackness for Juneteenth Click on the 7 minute listen

• Watch the full conver­sa­tion about why abor­tion is essen­tial to demo­cracy — and demo­cracy is essen­tial for repro­duct­ive justice: Abortion Rights Are Essential to Democracy

The Brennan Center, in partnership with Ms. Magazine, responds to the ongoing assault on abortion rights across America.

This YouTube video is a discussion of why abortion rights are essential. One hour, fifteen. Scroll down past the introductory comments by each speaker to the ‘blue box’ to start the video. Easy to listen in your car while driving!

In faith,

Dale Dunnigan



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

We are the UU Church in Rockford, IL. We are a loving congregation that connects, and a liberal non-creedal community devoted to love and reason.