Literature Link for May !5, 2022 — Courage to Innovate


• “Dream Boogie” by Langston Hughes. This poem is about a boy who asks whether you have heard the boogie-woogie rumble of a dream deferred. It asks the reader to listen closely to the beating out of a beat which the “you” of the poem has assumed is a happy beat. Hughes uses the framework of bebop jazz by using quick short lines, sudden changes in rhythm, and a voice associated with the spirit of bebop.

• “Courage Powers Innovation” Watch this very brief video from Apple of some great examples of courageous innovators that you may recognize.

Out of Our Minds: The Power of Being Creative by Ken Robinson. Out of Our Minds explores creativity: its value in business, its ubiquity in children, its perceived absence in many adults and the phenomenon through which it disappears — and offers a groundbreaking approach for getting it back. Author Sir Ken Robinson is an internationally recognized authority on creativity, and his TED talk on the subject is the most watched video in TED’s history. The Book:.

To watch the TED talk:

Matilda by Roald Dahl. Matilda may be small, but she is mighty. There’s a power hidden away inside of her, which she can tap into whenever she wants to roar against the lions of injustice — and, through her own tiny acts of rebellion, she brings about change.

• “Lydia” — a short story by Allene Nichols. “It was a summer of jazz leaking out through shuttered windows; of breaking glass and rage from the anonymous facades of brick apartments; of winged girls trying to fly from atop the Cathedral of St. Louis”

In faith,

Dale Dunnigan



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

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