Literature Link for Nov. 14,2021- Domestic Violence


• “ Feelings on a Carousel” by Christine Hagion Rzepka . This poem was written early in the healing process. It was only years later the author realized it describes the Cycle of Violence. [This is the cleanest copy I could find — but it’s worth putting up with messy advertising]. “… see my smile light my face,/ watch my tears as they fall —

As I reach out to lift you up, / you only let me down.” If you keep scrolling down, you will find more poems from her Poetry of Abuse Collection.

• Chinese Handcuffs by Chris Crutcher. [Young adult novel, public library] I read this 15 or so years ago and still remember its impact! The two main characters will be remembered for their courage. “Dillon is living with the painful memory of his brother’s suicide — and the role he played in it. Then Dillon finds a confidante in Jennifer, a star high school basketball player who’s hiding her own set of destructive secrets. Together, they must find the courage to confront their demons — before it’s too late.” This does deal with suicide and sexual molestation: “…an emotional look at the helplessness of isolation and the redemption that comes from reaching out.” A powerful page-turner. For an overview and comments:

• “The Romanticizing of Domestic Violence in Literature” by Domestic Violence Services, Inc. [non-fiction article, about 20 min. read]. This is a discussion of several books, some of which are Young Adult (YA) which portray abuse and violence as romantic and passionate, thereby creating a view of abuse” so frequently that it is generally accepted in literary culture and taught to students,” for example, pointing out the Problem with a “One True Love.”

• 3 Poems About Walking From Emotional Abuse That Will Empower Youi” by Ali

Guerra. “by assuming my position as obedient dog/ come here, sit, let me carve you open until everything inside of you/ pills out unto my floor/ and then let me punish you for it/ I learned a lot about what it means to be silenced.”

In faith,

Dale Dunnigan



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