Literature Link for Oct. 24, 2021 People and Practice


3 Daily Practices to Cultivate Mindful Reverence By LindaJoy Rose, Ph.D

“According to Gary Zukav, author of Seat of the Soul, reverence is the experience “of accepting that all Life is, in and of itself, of value.” This attitude brings to mind the Sanskrit phrase, Namaste, a reverential salutation that means “I honor the divinity within you.” [news column, 8 min. read]

• I’ve Been Thinking… about What We Truly Need. Here is a very current, brief essay from Maria Shriver. “One early morning this week, I was speaking to David (who owns his own interior design business) about product shortages, clogged supply chains, and the news that many of our country’s shelves are going to be bare at Christmas. David said to me, ‘I think this is a big reset. I think we are collectively being taught one big lesson that we all need to be taught: a lesson in patience.’”

• “Eagle Poem” by Joy Harjo, our current national poet laureate. “To pray you open your whole self/ To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon/ To one whole voice that is you./ And know there is more…”

• “enchantment: regaining our sense of wonder and awe” [brief commentary and then her poem] “Evening” by Joy Lenten. “I watch and sigh/ sky gazing, looking lazy/ magnetised/ by all this night offers us/ and let it amaze me.“ This piece captures the moments of awe at sunset. It includes a bonus video [11 mins] of breathtaking sunrises and sunsets set to music [which I will bookmark for those morning stretches].

In Faith,

Dale Dunnigan



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

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