Ministers and Staff: Duties, Hours, Contact


With the arrival of Rev. Joyce Palmer as our Assistant Minister, with a focus on caring, membership, and adult programs (including small groups), and with the increased hours for our RE Assistant, Lauren Smith, and with us coming back from COVID (sort of?), it’s a good time to let you know which staff member does what, and how to reach us.

Please note that the ministers and staff either have other employment or obligations elsewhere or have school-age children (or both!) and that flexibility is one of the core benefits of working at the church. People’s day-to-day schedule will shift based on other obligations, school holidays, children’s illnesses (especially in COVID, when staff are required to stay home if anyone in their home has symptoms until a negative test is secured, and many of our children are not yet eligible for vaccination). Email is a great way to make an appointment, ask a question, or make a connection.

The Rev. Dr. Matthew Johnson, Senior Minister.
Rev. Matthew is responsible for overall spiritual leadership and serves as chief-of-staff. Areas of focus include the strategy and vision, worship, social justice, and wider UU connections. Come to Matthew if you’re not sure where to turn. Rev. Matthew also offers pastoral care and counseling. Matthew is usually in the office Monday-Thursday from around 9:30 until about 5, but he often has meetings, so please schedule time in advance. The best way to reach Rev. Matthew is email — at You can call him at 815–398–6322 ext. 4, but email is strongly preferred.

The Rev. Joyce Palmer, Assistant Minister.
Rev. Joyce focuses on adult programs (including small group ministry), caring, and membership. Come to Rev. Joyce if you are interested in joining or starting a group, need or want to offer pastoral support, or are new to the church — or want to welcome newcomers. Rev. Joyce also offers pastoral care and counseling. Rev. Joyce is ½ time at the church. She will usually be in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9–4. She often has meetings or other responsibilities, so make an appointment ahead of time. You can reach Rev. Joyce at or call her at 815–398–6322 ext.3.

Tim Anderson, Music Director.
Tim is responsible for music for worship and leadership of the choir, the Unicantors. Tim is ½ time at the church. He mostly works from home, other than Thursday evening choir rehearsal and Sunday worship. You can reach Tim at

Lindsay Trank, Director of Religious Education.
Lindsay is responsible for ministry for children and youth and their families. She is also the Co-Director of Woodsong Nature School. Come to Lindsay if you want to engage your children with our program or want to volunteer with our children and youth. Lindsay is full-time; half her time is devoted for Woodsong. She is usually in her office after Woodsong (around noon) until about 3pm, M-F; though this can vary. You can reach Lindsay at or 815–398–6322 ext. 5.

Lauren Smith, Religious Education Assistant.
Lauren assists with our religious education program, with a special focus on our 0–5-year-old children, and our Our Whole Lives sexuality education program. She is also the Co-Director of the Woodsong Nature School. Lauren is 4/5 time at the church, with ½ her time devoted to Woodsong. Her hours vary, so please make an appointment if needed. You can reach Lauren at

If you are interested in the Woodsong Nature School for a two-year-old in your life, you can reach the Co-Directors at or 815–324–3282. Please use these for Woodsong matters only.

Autumn Powell, Office Manager
Autumn is responsible for the day-to-day office, communications, finance, and building areas of the church. Come to Autumn with announcements for the newsletter, questions about pledges, building reservations, and similar administrative needs. Autumn is 38hrs/week. She is usually in the office Tuesday-Friday from around 10:30 am to around 4 pm, and Sunday after church, but that can vary. She does some work from home as well. Reach at Autumn at or 815–398–6322 ext. 2.



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

We are the UU Church in Rockford, IL. We are a loving congregation that connects, and a liberal non-creedal community devoted to love and reason.