On Being Foundations


I’ve been listening to On Being’s podcasts since before it was named On Being. Its current mini-series called “Foundations,” starts with #1,082 of the On Being podcasts. Krista Tippitt has been interviewing thoughtful people for years. This summer she took a sabbatical from her weekly podcasts to regroup before starting a new On Being podcast in 2023. October’s 4-podcast mini-series introduces her big picture for the future.

You can listen to all four of these short podcasts at this website:


#1, “Seeing the Generative Story of Our Time,” is about seeing the good in our complicated lives during this divisive, critical time in our culture. (7:40 minutes)

#2, “Living the Questions,” explains how the quality of our questions frames the responses. It’s not necessary to answer the questions, but merely hold them close. {8:04 minutes)

#3, “Taking a Long View of Time and Becoming ‘Critical Yeast,’” frames time beyond our individual lives to bring focus to our goals. We may choose to be part of the “Critical Yeast” that fosters long-term change to our world. (13:56 minutes)

#4, “Calling and Wholeness” invites us to a broader definition of “Calling” from a limited one of job to one that encompasses our relationships and service to the greater world. (10:49 minutes)

This mini-series reflects the thoughtful, inward searching focus of our new thematic program, “Soul Matters.” I invite you to explore this auditory series which takes only about 40 minutes total. In addition to the podcasts, the website and the podcast notes offer personal questions and practices to extend your experience.

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

We are the UU Church in Rockford, IL. We are a loving congregation that connects, and a liberal non-creedal community devoted to love and reason.