Re-Purpose and Reuse


Sunday Allen Penticoff helped me pick up a used loveseat in Sycamore to complete the remodeling of my living room. Now the empty space that was filled with Frank’s hospital bed is friendly and inviting. But, more importantly, I didn’t fill that space with a brand -new sofa. Instead, I looked for a used, but high-quality sofa that I could reupholster in my color scheme and use for many years.

Why would I want to do this? It’s much easier to just pick a sofa off the showroom floor and have them deliver it to my house. But my process reduces waste that goes to landfills and reuses well-made materials. This may be “un-American,” but it is sustainable.

I was introduced to Facebook’s Marketplace by a new friend. Not a fan of Facebook, I learned that it could be useful. I expected to spend weeks looking for a sofa with “good bones,” but found just what I wanted that same day. Scanning through all the pictures of loveseats, the word “vintage” caught my eye. The picture was attractive; I sent a message to the seller and started a conversation that determined the manufacturer, Century Furniture, was a high-end company for upholstered furniture in the 1950’s, and that this loveseat was most likely purchased then from Marshall Field’s in Chicago. The current off-white fabric is attractive, but won’t last with my two black cats. No problem! I planned to reupholster whatever sofa I purchased.

For $100, I have a sofa that not only fits my limited space, but fits my 4” 10” frame, with my feet actually touching the floor! It will take a while to get it reupholstered, but I can live with that. I’m totally satisfied with this solution.

One flyer I have lists “Steps you can take today to made a lasting impact on nature!”

1) Showcase Simple Beauty (use natural touches like pine cones)

2) Eat More Veggies

3) Purchase Wisely and Recycle (buy with the least packaging)

4) Reduce Plastic Waste (don’t use single-use cups, straws, or bottled water)

5) Re-Purpose and Reuse (buy used but nice)

6) Shop Local Farmers’ Markets

7) More Fun, Less Stuff

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

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