Seeing Wonder Everywhere


Our church’s theme for December has been The Path of Wonder. Our small groups used a tool called “Dose of Wonder” that was a list of 31 videos, one for each day of this month, portraying wonder.

But why do we only want to utilize this list during the month of December? We need a “dose of wonder” every day of the year. Watching one of these videos brings me to a sense of peace, a feeling of belonging in the Universe, a love for all those beings who share this world with me. Why would I want to reserve them for the month of December?

I invite you to taste this list with the video for today, December 27th.

This 7 minute, 44 second video entitled “Why You Need Awe,” flashes short scenes from our world, both the human one and the natural one, with a narration that invites us to enter the now and glimpse our inner meaning.

If you experience the peace of wonder, consider keeping the “Dose of Wonder” menu on your computer as a medicinal go-to when you need it, or as a daily spiritual practice every day of the year to focus your best self.

Here’s the Dose of Wonder “menu”:

Now feel the sense of the wonder that surrounds each of us.

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

We are the UU Church in Rockford, IL. We are a loving congregation that connects, and a liberal non-creedal community devoted to love and reason.