Starts with Us: Overcoming extreme divisions in the US


I tripped over an organization that focuses on bridging the political and cultural crevasses in our country. I’m impressed with the reasoned, researched-based steps proposed by this organization. And I’m astounded that its website doesn’t request donations.

Here are some steps Starts with Us recommends:

“The 3Cs Framework: Habituating Curiosity, Compassion, and Courage to foster independent thinking and constructive communication across our differences.

“Media: Bringing our values to life through digital exercises, games, mini documentaries, and more.

“Technology: Leveraging technology to help people form and maintain positive relational habits.

“Community: Sparking change at the grassroots level by giving people the inspiration and tools to live these values.”

As a sample of this group’s offerings, view this 4:55 minute video, “Shot by Police: Leon Ford’s Journey to Radical Courage”:

This video features Leon Ford, one of the 100+ founders of Starts with Us.

If you are intrigued by these ideas, check out a more cerebral description in this 4:14 minute video, “How to Overcome Toxic Polarization:”

Starts with Us offers daily exercises to reinforce their 5 practices. Check these out below the video on their website.

I feel frustrated as I cope with these divisions. I need to change my behavior to be more receptive to people with different world views. This is one possible means to that end.

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

We are the UU Church in Rockford, IL. We are a loving congregation that connects, and a liberal non-creedal community devoted to love and reason.