Why do Black Americans Riot?


As a privileged white American, I have trouble understanding the actions of black Americans who riot and loot their own neighborhoods. It seems illogical to me, but my history and experiences aren’t theirs. I have to work hard to be able to understand black logic.

As part of preparation for Zion Lutheran Church’s pilgrimage to the civil rights history of Alabama, I’m working through a list of reference materials. Today I watched a 6:46 minute video interview with Kimberly Jones, an emotional and often irreverent definition of this black logic.

If you, as I, have trouble understanding why black Americans act as they often do, take a few minutes, live with your discomfort, and watch Kimberly. You will have a new appreciation for your own privilege, and a glimmer of understanding for Kimberly’s frustration.


This preparation for the Alabama trip will be its own experience.

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

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