Why Should I Join a Small Group?


One of the most important benefits of joining a church is community. We can meditate alone, read religious texts alone, but we humans hunger for personal contact — for belonging. That’s the strength of small groups.

Our congregation is classified as mid-sized. With between 300 and 350 members, we don’t know everyone. We might talk to several people after a worship service during coffee hour, or in the Narthex before the service, or with the person sitting near us in the Sanctuary, but our conversation will be light, surface chatter, not deep, meaningful sharing. This allows formation of acquaintances, but not real relationships — true friends.

It takes time to break down the walls that keep our souls safe from injury. We need to spend time with another person in order to feel secure with them. Once we feel safe, we can share our deepest values, hurts, and hopes. That’s what small groups can foster.

This month we start a new thematic program with our small groups called Soul Matters. The title has two meanings — the program is about matters that affect our souls, our inmost concerns, and our soul matters, it’s important to our lives. If you participate, you will be invited to get under the surface of several of our members, not right away, but over time. For this to happen you need to spend time with this small group — show up at the meetings. If you don’t feel secure sharing, you can gradually become more comfortable until you open up.

This program is thematic, meaning we use the same theme in Sunday worship services, RE classes, and small group meetings for the entire month. September’s theme is “The Path of Belonging.”

If you’ve participated in our prior Covenant groups, think about trying this new version. If you’ve never participated, give it a try. The potential is life-affirming.

Submitted by Teresa Wilmot



The Unitarian Universalist Church, Rockford, IL

We are the UU Church in Rockford, IL. We are a loving congregation that connects, and a liberal non-creedal community devoted to love and reason.