How to testnet KYVE

5 min readMay 20, 2022


What is KYVE

KYVE is a decentralized data archiving protocol. It is a next-generation protocol that standardizes, validates, and stores data streams.

Quick roadmap

[Q2] 2022 — Incentivized testnet, increase integrations;
[Q3]-[Q4] 2022 — TGE, increase integrations.

Incentivized Testnet — Mission Korellia

There are 3 main blocks of possible activities: Design, Community, and Engineering.


Create Video Tutorial
Max 2 how-to videos on KYVE features
1500 pts per video

Create Video Introduction
Max 2 intro clips for upcoming KYVE content
1500 pts per video

Create Funny Content
Max 5 memes, 3D printable goodies, or anything fun KYVE-themed
150 pts per content

Create Explanatory Content
Max 2 explaining KYVE concepts or features
500 pts per content


Retweet our Twitter Posts
Must be the latest Tweet
40 pts per retweet

Like our Twitter Posts
Must be the latest Tweet
40 pts per like

Follow our Twitter
100 pts total

Claim on the Korellia Wheel
1 Spin every 24 hrs
1/5/10 pts per spin

Claim on Twitter
1 time only
150 pts total

Claim on Discord
1 Claim every 24 hrs
20 pts per claim


Governance Vote
Participate in KYVE’s governance (How to)
10 pts per vote

Stake $KYVE to support protocol nodes (How to)
130 pts max

Help secure the KYVE network by delegating (How to)
150 pts max

Help fund a pool (How to)
50 pts max

Create Bundle
Protocol nodes only(How to)
50 pts per bundle

Vote Correctly
Protocol nodes only
1 pt per correct vote


Find bugs and report them to the team in discord. There is no definite reward, it depends on the weight of the bug.


Badge 1: Moonbase Node Runner
For users who had a node running during the 2nd version of KYVE, on Moonbase Alpha.

Badge 2: Cosmos Badge
For users who had a node running during the current version of KYVE, before the incentivized testnet.

Badge 3: OGs
For users that have claimed via the KYVE faucet, before the incentivized testnet.

Badge 4: Krew & KYVErs
For our dedicated Ambassadors from all over the world helping improve KYVE.

So if you took part in previous testnets KYVE you could get one or a few of these badges.

The full official announcement about testnet is available by the link:


The reward will depend on your ranking position. There are two reward pools in the incentivized testnet:

  • Pool A will share the TOP-5000 leaderboard (1st to 5000th place).
  • Pool B will share the TOP-10000 leaderboard (1st to 10000th place).

Of the total supply of tokens, 2% (20kk tokens) is allocated.

Of these 20kk tokens: 5kk will be shared by pools A and B, and the team will delegate the remaining 10k tokens to the TOP-2500 or TOP-5000 in the mainnet.


Let’s start with community activities. There are simply.

Firstly, we need to connect the to our Keplr wallet.

Next, we need to allow the site to access the wallet and add the Korellia network to it by clicking on Approve:

The wallet is connected.

There are several sections on this site. All of them are relevant. I recommend you explore it by yourself. Maybe you could find a bug.

I suggest starting with requesting test tokens in the faucet. Test tokens will help us to start and receive points from other activities.

Note: Faucets work almost stably but tokens take a long time to arrive. Be patient and do not spam in chats and discords. Near the faucets, you could see your receiving queue number.

Go to the Faucet on the left bar.

Here you could see 3 possibilities to get test tokens — through Twitter, Discord and the wheel.

1. Let’s start with Twitter

Follow the @KYVENetwork, like, and retweet the last post.

Then go back to the faucet.

Click Share on twitter, and Twitter will offer to send the tweet:

After sending the tweet, copy the link to your post and paste it into the appropriate field on the site. Click Claim your tokens and solve the captcha.

As I said before, the network is busy, so be patient to wait for your tokens. You could see your queue number below.

NOTE: When you first request tokens from the tap via Twitter, you link your account to the wallet.

2. Going to Discord

Go to discord -> #faucet channel

Write and send a message with

As I said before, the network is busy, so be patient to wait for your tokens.

My tokens were sent only after 18 hours.

3. And then we end with the wheel of fortune

We could earn 1 to 10 points and tokens.

Spin the wheel and wait for your luck.

As I said before, the network is busy, so be patient to wait for your tokens. The wheel takes much longer to process than others.


Testnet main page —
All links —

My discord — usuch#4071
My KYVE address — kyve1qe6pf95p02s28nmvct6j55qqm9pyut9v8han3v

