A Guide to Software Licensing

Uvini Ranasinghe
3 min readSep 14, 2023



Our digital world is powered by software, from the apps on our smartphones to the sophisticated desktop programs. But have you ever thought about the legal framework that governs how you use this software? Software licensing is relevant in this situation. We’ll delve into the world of software licensing in this blog post, discussing everything from what it is to the various types of licenses that are offered, as well as the crucial aspects of copyright law, ownership, and licensing.

What is a Software License?

At its core, a software license is a contract that specifies the terms and conditions under which the software may be used, distributed, or modified. This agreement is made between the software vendor or developer and the end user. Imagine it as a set of guidelines that control how you communicate with a particular piece of software.

Types of Software Licenses

There are several types of software licenses, each with a specific function. Here are a few typical examples:

Closed-source licenses, also referred to as proprietary software licenses, severely restrict the rights of the user. The right to use the program is frequently granted to users, but they are not allowed to change or distribute it. Examples of proprietary software include Microsoft Windows and Adobe Photoshop.

Open-Source Licenses: Open-source licenses, like the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the MIT License, permit users to view, modify, and distribute source code. These licenses promote cooperation and neighborhood growth. Mozilla Firefox and Linux are two popular open-source initiatives.

Freeware: Users of freeware are able to use it without having to pay for it, but frequently, they are not allowed to modify or redistribute it. There are numerous free applications in this category.

Shareware: Customers with shareware licenses can try out the software before buying it. If users find it useful, they must pay for a full version with additional features and support.

Commercial Licenses: For these licenses, payment is required before the product may be used. They frequently consist of upgrades, additional features, and technical support.

Copyright Law and Software Licensing

In terms of licensing software, copyright law is essential. When software developers create it, they immediately acquire the copyright to it, giving them the freedom to reproduce, share, and modify it. Software licenses enable creators to grant some rights to users while reserving others. They specify how to use the program while abiding by copyright regulations.

Ownership vs. Licensing

One common misconception is that software is automatically yours once you purchase it. In reality, you are granted permission to use the program in accordance with the licensing agreement. This distinction is important because it suggests that the maker of the software has the right to impose limitations on how you use their product. For instance, they might restrict the number of devices the program can be installed on or forbid you from trying to reverse-engineer it.


The digital age has complicated, but necessary, features, one of which is software licensing. It is essential to comprehend the type of license that applies to the software you use because it specifies your obligations and rights. Whether you’re a software developer eager to share your code with the world or an end-user navigating the software landscape, understanding the ins and outs of software licensing may help you make informed decisions and avoid legal pitfalls. To ensure a trouble-free digital experience, read and comprehend the software license the next time you install a new program or make software.

