3 min readJan 5, 2023

JAMBO Water Leakage Detection System


Water is a vital resource that is essential for human survival. However, access to clean and safe drinking water is a major challenge in many parts of the world. Rwanda, a small landlocked country in East Africa, is no exception. One of the main issues the Rwandan people face is water leakage from broken pipes, which results in the loss of a significant amount of water. To tackle this issue, we created the JAMBO WLDS IoT (Internet of Things) project, which aims to detect water leaks in real-time and notify authorities.

The Need for JAMBO WLDS

The Rwandan water sector has faced several challenges over the years, including inadequate infrastructure, low water coverage, and water losses due to leakage and theft. According to the World Bank, water losses in Rwanda are estimated to be around 40%, which is significantly higher than the international average of 15%. This high level of water loss results in a significant financial burden on the Rwandan government and water utility companies, as well as depriving the population of access to clean and safe drinking water.

One of the main causes of water loss in Rwanda is the ageing water infrastructure, which includes pipes that are prone to breaking and leaking. In many cases, these broken pipes go undetected for a long time, resulting in a continuous loss of water. This not only affects the availability of water for the population but also poses a risk to the environment, as the leaking water can contaminate the surrounding soil and water sources.

To address this problem, we have developed JAMBO WLDS, an IoT project that aims to detect water leakage in real-time and alert authorities about the issue. By using sensors and a wireless communication network, JAMBO WLDS is able to detect even the smallest water leakages and alert the authorities about the location of the broken pipe. This allows for quick and timely repairs, reducing the amount of water lost due to leakage.


JAMBO WLDS uses a combination of sensors and a wireless communication network to detect and alert authorities about water leakage from broken pipes. The system consists of a series of sensors that are installed along the length of the pipes. These sensors are able to detect even the slightest change in pressure or flow, which can indicate a water leak.

The sensors are connected to a wireless communication network, which allows them to transmit data to a central server. This data is then analyzed by the server, which is able to detect any unusual changes in pressure or flow. If a leak is detected, the server sends an alert to the authorities, indicating the location of the broken pipe.

The central server also maintains a record of all the data collected by the sensors, which can be accessed by the authorities to monitor the water distribution system and identify any potential issues. This helps to prevent future water losses and improve the overall efficiency of the water distribution system.

Scheme of the project

Benefits of JAMBO WLDS

There are several benefits to using JAMBO WLDS to detect water leakage in Rwanda. Some of the main benefits include:

  1. Reduction in Water Loss: By detecting and alerting authorities about water leakage in real time, JAMBO WLDS helps to reduce the amount of water lost due to broken pipes. This not only saves the Rwandan government and water utility companies money but also helps to ensure that the population has access to clean and safe drinking water.
  2. Improved Water Efficiency: By monitoring the water distribution system and identifying any potential issues, JAMBO WLDS helps to improve the overall efficiency of the system.