From entry-level to partnership: Project A’s investment team is hiring

Uwe Horstmann
3 min readOct 24, 2018


First things first, or in proper internet jargon “TL;DR”: Project A is a venture capital fund based in Berlin, and we invest our funds of 300m USD in early-stage technology companies. We are also a growing company, and our success rests on ensuring we have a good team of investors. Our investment team is looking to fill open positions, both at an Investment Manager level as well as at Principal level. With that, we also provide a clear path to partnership.

Join the team!

A tough industry to get into …

Venture capital is a notoriously tough industry to get into. There are no big recruitment fairs, few people to speak to, and often not even a job posting. But our company tries to make that entry easier by offering entry-level positions for all startup and technology enthusiasts. Whether you made your first steps in the VC industry already or you’re passionate about startups and gained previous experience in the industry: We’d love to chat and will find a good entry point for you.

… and a tough industry to rise through

Contrary to what typically happens in VC firms, we’ve spent the past months establishing very clear career paths for our employees, from Investment Manager to Principal to Partner. Yes, all the way to Partner. VC partners often don’t manage their own succession processes well. In fact, it’s probably one of the main reasons why funds die. We try to do things differently with this initiative. We’re proud that three of four current Investment Managers started with us as interns. But we don’t stop there. At Project A, you’ll always know where you are on your career path and what it’ll take to make it to Principal or Partner. We want to offer clarity to young talent in this industry while ensuring Project A continues to be the successful franchise it is — and get much better still. We’re also looking for candidates for the Principal position, a good fit for candidates with prior extensive VC experience, as your responsibility increases vastly at this step, right before making it to Partner.

We look at thousands of exciting startups every year and speak to hundreds. The main task of this role is to learn: Understand trends, technologies, innovations and investment opportunities as a basis for making better decisions. You’ll be in charge of specific parts of the fascinating European startup ecosystem, with lots of travel and activities on the ground.

You’ll work very closely with all of us: Our investment managers Mila, Nina, Enrico and Andy, as well as with the two partners in charge of Project A’s venture capital operation — Anton and Uwe. You’ll work in your own field of expertise and if you don’t have one you’ll be given the time and resources to develop one.

Operators and investors

Project A is unique because of our operational team of 100 experts. Whether it’s marketing, technology, product, business development, organization building, or design, we can be of help. Consequently, we value the combination of operating and investing skills highly. At Project A, you’ll be able to tap into a vast amount of operational expertise as well, in due diligences or when working with portfolio companies later on. A great VC career needs actual startup experience as well.

Project A is committed to improving our diversity in all dimensions. Our Investment Team currently has a 50/50 gender balance. We spend every day in each other’s presence in what is arguably the best job there is.

To apply, please send us an email via with the material you consider relevant and show us how you think about startups and investing. We look forward to discussing this role with you, getting to know you, and learning from each other in the growing tech industry in Europe.



Uwe Horstmann

Early stage venture investor at Project A ( & humanitarian logistics