The 60–30–10 Rule: A Splash of Harmony in UI Design

Pallavi Shrivastava
4 min readDec 13, 2023



In the dynamic realm of User Interface (UI) design, achieving visual balance is paramount. An aesthetically pleasing interface can significantly enhance the user experience and make a lasting impression. One of the golden rules that designers swear by is the 60–30–10 color rule, a simple yet effective guideline that can transform your UI into a harmonious masterpiece.

Understanding the 60–30–10 Rule:

Source : Dribble

The 60–30–10 rule is a basic principle that dictates the distribution of colors in a design. The rule suggests dividing your color scheme into three parts:

60% Dominant Color:

The dominant color sets the tone for your UI. It occupies the majority of the space and forms the backdrop against which other elements stand out. Choose a color that aligns with your brand identity and creates a visually stable foundation.

30% Secondary Color:

The secondary color complements the dominant color and adds depth and variety. This color is applied to elements like backgrounds, sidebars, or call-to-action buttons. It provides a balance between the dominant and accent colors, preventing monotony and enhancing visual interest.

10% Accent Color:

The accent color is the pop that catches the user’s attention. It is sparingly used for highlights, buttons, or other key elements. This color should contrast with the dominant and secondary colors, drawing the user’s eye to essential components and creating a sense of hierarchy.

Applying the Rule in UI Design:

  1. Start with the Dominant Color : Begin by choosing a color that aligns with your brand personality and resonates with your target audience. This color will dominate the majority of your UI, so it’s crucial to get it right. Consider factors such as brand guidelines, emotions associated with colors, and the overall theme of your application.
  2. Build Harmony with the Secondary Color : Select a secondary color that complements the dominant one. This color adds variety and depth to your design, preventing it from appearing one-dimensional. Use the secondary color for backgrounds, sidebars, or other large elements that contribute to the overall visual balance.
  3. Create Contrast with the Accent Color: The accent color is your secret weapon for guiding user attention. Choose a color that stands out against the dominant and secondary colors, creating a focal point for important UI elements. Apply the accent color to buttons, icons, or other elements that demand attention.

Excercise :

Before we dive into a practical exercise and explore real-world UI references, let’s solidify our understanding of the 60–30–10 color rule in UI design. The magic of this rule lies in its simplicity yet profound impact on creating visually appealing interfaces. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and apply this principle to a small exercise. By examining existing UI designs, we’ll witness firsthand how the 60–30–10 rule is artfully employed to achieve balance and harmony.

Examples below :

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

Benefits of the 60–30–10 Rule:

  1. Visual Harmony: The rule ensures a balanced and visually appealing color scheme, making it easy on the eyes and enhancing the overall user experience.
  2. Brand Consistency: By aligning the dominant color with your brand identity, the rule helps maintain a consistent and recognizable visual presence across your UI.
  3. User Engagement: The judicious use of accent colors guides users through the interface, highlighting essential elements and improving overall usability.

In the intricate tapestry of UI design, the 60–30–10 rule stands as a beacon, guiding designers toward a harmonious and visually captivating user interface. By adhering to this simple yet powerful principle, you can transform your UI into an immersive experience that not only looks great but also resonates with your brand and captivates your audience. So, the next time you embark on a UI design journey, remember the magic of 60–30–10 — where balance meets brilliance.

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Pallavi Shrivastava

A self learned, multi-disciplined Product and UI/UX Design Professional . Here I try to jot down my learnings and keep notes while working on HCI , UX and UI🗒️