Published inUX in MotionHow to Create a 3D Instagram Cube Transition in After EffectsI was messing around on my phone the other day and realized how simple the Instagram story 3D transitions are to create in After Effects.Sep 24, 2020Sep 24, 2020
Published inUX in Motion3 things I learned teaching Motion and Usability workshopsOver the last 18 months, I’ve been teaching motion and usability workshops to design teams at companies including Dropbox, Slack, Oracle…Sep 13, 2019Sep 13, 2019
Published inDesign Ethics & Climate ChangeTech conferences need climate speakers now (an open letter)Dear tech conference organizer,Aug 17, 20194Aug 17, 20194
Published inDesign Ethics & Climate ChangeGoogle News and the silencing of the climate crisisFor the last several years, I’ve read the Google News feed daily. And for the last several years, the Google News feed has contained…Aug 16, 20192Aug 16, 20192
Published inDesign Ethics & Climate ChangeDesign ethics in the age of climate change: on the inseparability of skills and ethicsDesigners want to have it both ways. On one hand, we want the upside of being right, of making a difference, of a positive result. On the…Jul 31, 2019Jul 31, 2019
Published inUX in MotionWhat to do when you feel like an imposterI don’t usually do this but last week I received an email asking for career advice. The question touched a nerve and I wanted to share my…Jul 29, 20191Jul 29, 20191
Published inUX in MotionHow to transition from a motion background into UXA few weeks ago I received a really good question: how do you transition from a motion background into UX and product design?Jul 11, 20191Jul 11, 20191
Published inUX in MotionHow to integrate UI animation strategically into your portfolioOver the years of teaching UI animation and helping designers and animators integrate motion into their online portfolios, I’ve noticed a…Jun 19, 20191Jun 19, 20191
Published inUX in MotionMy top 12 After Effects feature requests for UI animationHere is my list of 12 After Effects UI Animation feature requests.Jun 18, 20192Jun 18, 20192
A simple thought experiment in hidden systems, biases and opacityImagine that you are staying the night at your friend’s house. Your friend is married. You take a shower the next morning. In the shower…Feb 3, 2019Feb 3, 2019