Our Highlights:

The Future Of Web Design 2015

UX Connections recently had the opportunity to attend the FOWD 2015 conference in London, which was an excellent conference for anyone in the web design and development community. With a packed two days of informative talks and activities, here are some of our highlights!

Could ‘designing in the browser’ be the future of web design?

“Clear cache and refresh — getting started with designing in the browser”

By Flurin Egger and Adrian Egger

Or does designing in the browser actually mean you’re not designing at all?

“So… what do I make?”

By Dan Mall

Dan Mall (founder of Superfriendlyco), spoke about the ever changing role of the designer. Not quite agreeing with the Egger brothers, Dan stated that ‘designing in the browser’ should infact be redefined as ‘deciding in the browser’. In his opinion, the best scenario in which to design in the browser is during the prototyping stage.

Cat Noone spoke about the importance of designing enjoyable experiences.

“The Misconstrued User Experience”

By Cat Noone

One of our favourite quotes from FOWD this year came from Cat Noone:

Billy Kiely had some great advice for rapid prototyping.

“Getting There Faster: Rapid Prototyping and Iteration”

By Billy Kiely, creative director at InVision

In this talk Billy Kiely shared his top tip for rapid prototyping: “Use it while you design it”. Rather than being in a static design environment, to really experience a product yourself you need to be interacting with it as you design.



UX Connections

UX Connections is dedicated to knowledge-sharing for digital creatives, technologists and designers worldwide. https://linktr.ee/uxconnections