5 Reasons to Stop Using Outdated Lorem ipsum — Use This Instead

Joseph Kelly
Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2023


Lorem Ipsum. You know the drill. We've all used that "funny-looking" text a million times in our UX designs. But here's the thing… it has been in use since the 1960s. Can't we do better? I think so. It's time to say goodbye to Lorem Ipsum and hello to something new.

What is Lorem ipsum?

Lorem ipsum is commonly used to fill space in a design layout while the final content is being created. While it may seem like an easy solution, using Lorem Ipsum in UX designs can have serious drawbacks that can impact the success of a product.

1. Decreased User Engagement

Let's start with the biggest issue — Decreased User Engagement. When you use Lorem Ipsum, you're missing out on the opportunity to actually engage with your users. Realistic, relevant content is key to making a design more engaging and improving the user experience. So, why settle for placeholder text when you can have the real deal?

When a user is presented with meaningless text, they are less likely to engage with the design and the product as a whole. This can result in reduced conversion rates and the product's overall success. Using real content in your designs can provide value to the user and improve their engagement with the product.

2. Misleading Representation

Another issue with Lorem Ipsum is that it doesn't accurately represent the final product. And who wants to confuse stakeholders? Not us. By using real content, you can give everyone a clear picture of what the final product will look like. And you'll avoid any frustration or confusion down the line.

I have had more than 100 meetings where the only feedback I could get from a client or stakeholder was, "what's this funny-looking text?" "Is this a different language?"

Efficiency. Efficiency. Efficiency.

A productive meeting can only occur with efficiency. And if your janky placeholder text is getting in the way of getting stuff done, it's time to kick it to the curb.

Only some stakeholders or clients have been through the design process. You might be popping their cherry. And with your Lorem ipsum, their first time is turning out like most of ours did — confusing and unsatisfying.

3. Poor Accessibility

Our motto as UX designers should be "inclusivity and accessibility." Design for all, not one! Let's face it. The only person you're designing for when using Lorem ipsum is you. Unless you're the one that is signing your paychecks, Hip National Bank is taking a hit. So, listen up.

Lorem ipsum in your UX designs can negatively impact accessibility. Lorem Ipsum is not accessible to assistive technologies, making it difficult for users with disabilities to understand the design and functionality of a product. This can result in a poor user experience for these users and can even prevent them from using the product altogether.

Using real content in your designs ensures that the product is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This will not only improve the user experience for these users, but it will also help to ensure that the product is more inclusive and accessible to a wider audience.

4. Missed Translation Opportunities

Only 17% of the world speaks English. Wait, what? Do you mean everyone in the world doesn't speak English? No, it can't be.

Well, it is.

Screenshot showing a statistic that 17% of the world's population speak English as of Jan 9, 2023

Using Lorem Ipsum text in a design can overlook the opportunity to test for translation and localization issues early in the design process. Using real content, you can test the design for any issues with translation and localization and make necessary adjustments before the final product is released. This can save time and resources in the long run and ensure that the product is well-received by a global audience.

5. Content Strategy

If your strategy for designing this product is to throw it up against the wall like a wet noodle and see if it sticks, then Lorem ipsum is your partner until the bitter end. If you want to join the rest of us on the boat to Valinor(yea, I just made a Lord of The Rings reference), start incorporating content strategy into the design process. And using real content helps to make that happen. By integrating messaging and content effectively, you can create a cohesive and successful product.

Say "Hello" to ChatGPT

ChatGPT can replace the use of Lorem Ipsum in UX designs by generating realistic and relevant content for your designs. This can have several benefits for your UX design:

  1. Improved User Engagement: By using realistic and relevant content, your design will be more engaging for users, leading to improved user experience and increased engagement with the product.
  2. Accurate Representation: With ChatGPT-generated content, you can provide a more accurate representation of what the final product will look like, avoiding confusion or frustration for stakeholders.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility: The use of realistic and relevant content can help to improve the accessibility of the product, making it more inclusive for users with disabilities.
  4. Translation and Localization: With ChatGPT, you can generate content in multiple languages, allowing you to test the design for translation and localization issues early on and make any necessary adjustments.
  5. Content Strategy: By incorporating content strategy into the design process, you can ensure that the design integrates messaging and content effectively, resulting in a more cohesive and successful product.
  6. Time-saving: Using ChatGPT for content generation can save time and resources, as you can generate high-quality content quickly and easily.

Here's how I used ChatGPT to generate copy for a website I designed, including SEO H1 and H2 headings.

Check out this post for more ways to use ChatGPT in your UI/UX designs.

Screenshot of ChatGPT creating copy and headings for a website about a mobile app that teaches kids about money

Bottom Line

It's time to say goodbye to Lorem Ipsum and hello to something better. With ChatGPT, you can generate realistic, relevant content that will improve user engagement, accurately represent the final product, enhance accessibility, support translation and localization, and integrate content strategy. So, why settle for placeholder text when you can have the real deal?



Hi, my name is Joseph Kelly. I am a self-taught User Experience (UX) Designer currently working as a UX designer. I also enjoy real estate and stocks.