Top 5 UX/UI tips & tricks to improve your designs

4 min readApr 24, 2023


Top 5 UX/UI tips & tricks to improve your designs,

Perfecting your UX/UI design skills is key to creating products or services that your users will love. You can delight and impress your users with visually pleasing interfaces and a great user experience. We have prepared for you some awesome UX/UI tricks and tips that you can easily use to help you create aesthetic design solutions for your website, app or any other digital product.

1. Design more user friendly cards

1. Design cards more user friendly, uxpeak

To guarantee that your users can quickly locate the information they require, visual differentiation is essential.

Incorporate elements such as icons, bold text, varying font sizes, and other unique visual cues to make critical content stand out. By employing these design strategies, you’ll enable users to identify necessary information promptly, thus saving them valuable time and effort.

2. Use the right order for buttons

2. Use the right order for buttons, uxpeak

Users typically read from left to right. In the poorly designed example, a user’s eyes will first be drawn to “Delete,” then to “Cancel,” and finally return to “Delete” again. Conversely, in the well-designed example, the user’s gaze will move from “Cancel” to “Delete” sequentially. In this specific case, we can also infer that “Delete” implies progression (typically symbolized by a rightward movement), while “Cancel” signifies regression (often represented by moving to the left).

3. Keep forms simple for a better UX

3. Keep forms simple for a better UX, uxpeak

Several eye-tracking studies have concluded that placing labels to the left of input fields requires more eye movement and increases the cognitive demand on users. It is much more user-friendly to put labels above input fields. If you ignore this advice and place labels to the left of the input fields anyway, make the labels right-aligned.

4. Use consistent icons for your UI

4. Use consistent icons for your UI, uxpeak

When using icons in your designs, keep them consistent. Avoid mixing different styles. When using simple icons avoid mixing them with complex icons. When using outlined icons avoid mixing them with filled icons. Keeping icons consistent will make your designs look professional and aesthetic.

5. Make text style more appealing and readable

5. Make text style more appealing and readable, uxpeak

Several techniques can be employed to enhance the appearance and readability of your headings and paragraphs. Experiment with white space, size, line height, color, weight, and letter spacing to create a visually appealing aesthetic. It’s important to establish a strong contrast between headings and paragraph text. This can be achieved by making headings bolder and darker than the body text, improving readability.

However, avoid overcomplicating the design; prioritize legibility and ease of reading over visual flair. When experimenting with colors, utilize contrast checker tools to ensure compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). As a general rule, strive to meet at least WCAG AA standards.

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