how to get hired by God

3 min readApr 4, 2024


We live in times that dreams to get hired by companies like google, apple etc etc. We spend years, in the making, just to clear their interview rounds. But, how many of us try to apply for or even think about getting hired by God?

Well, God is certainly far better that any company out there. God owns the entire heavens and earth. He doesn’t get bankrupt and the best thing is that there are no lay offs. Why then, don’t we try for His job?

Today’s blog is about getting hired by God. If you would like to work for God but don’t know where to apply or how to get hired by Him, then read on.

Unlike other companies that tests our skills, God already assumes that we are skilled. Since we are created by Him, we are already gifted with unique skills by Him. So, He doesn’t need to test them again.

When we think about working for God, we start with thinking about what we could do and how we could do it. Don’t we? Then, when we don’t find an answer, as it is obvious that we won’t, we get on with our lives applying to other companies. We start with interviewing ourselves and we reject ourselves thinking that we are unfit for the job. God doesn’t reject us but we reject ourselves. Sad reality.

As mentioned earlier, God already hired us when He created us. We already come with the skills required for His job. There are no interviews or any need for it. However, it all starts with one simple thing. That simple thing is called “Intentions”. We have to feel the desire to work for God. We have to feel that calling, from deep inside, that wants this job. That is what God is looking for. We should have that sincere desire to work for Him and to serve His cause. Once we feel that desire, and make the intention to work for God, we are hired. Simple. We can make dua to God to hire us, if we want to. Just to get the communication formalised and going.

Having done all that, what is next? How do we know which tasks to work on? Is there a jira board? Do we use agile? Are there sprints?

That depends on person to person and case to case. God is very flexible. In fact, He even allows remote work.

Our next task is to wait for tasks. Keep listening carefully to what is going on around us. Does anything grab our attention enough, that we can help, with the skills that we have? Keep listening and diving in whenever we find an opportunity to contribute. That’s it. Keep working for God.

When do we get paid? Thats the most important question. It is safe to assume that God will show us a way to get that too. Be humble. Be pure and keep working. More than payment, the benefits are really huge.

I hope that clears out the question about how to get hired by God. Now, what are you waiting for?




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