What the English language taught me about God

2 min readApr 13, 2024


It’s amazing how much God talks to us. His signs are all around us, talking to us and teaching us about Him. Take a look at the English language.

Now, who would have thought that God would use the English language for His lessons! Here is something that I learned from the language itself.

The most amazing thing about English language is its use of ‘silent’ letters. These are letters that are present in the spelling of a word but not pronounced. Examples include the b in subtle, the c in scissors, the g in design, the t in listen, and the gh in thought. Makes us think what is the use of those letters anyway.

Whatever was their purpose, they do teach a valuable lesson about God. It is the belief of the unseen. It teaches us that there is information that cannot be perceived by us. Not everything can be perceived and not everything that is invisible is absent. There are details that are invisible but present. Just like the silent letters.

Another amazing feature about the silent letter is their silent nature. They are silent. Doesn’t make any sound. We don’t even notice them. But the word cannot exist without them. Isn’t that amazing. Just like God.

The information that we hear when a word is pronounced doesn’t include them. So we don’t hear them. But they are there. Invisible and supporting and taking care of the words. Silent yet powerful. Amazing. Just like the unseen world.

That’s an important lesson about the unseen world from the English language.

Just like how the Quran teaches us,

Sura Al-Kahf — 18:37

His companion replied, in the course of their discussion, “Do you deny Him who created you from dust, from a small drop of fluid, then formed you into a man


We see a boy grow up and become a man and think that it was natural. We don’t notice the unseen or silent parameters that plays an important role in his development. There was God working behind the scenes supporting and managing the entire process. So is with everything that happens around us.

It’s amazing how much God loves us.




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