Who are muslims?

1 min readApr 20, 2024


Let’s see what the Quran tells us about who muslims are. What image do you get when you hear about muslims? Do you know how the quran describes muslims to be? Here is a verse that does just that. Take a look.

Muslims are those:

  1. Who follow the Messenger, prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h, who is already mentioned in other scriptures like Bible and Torah.
  2. Commands to the right thing
  3. Forbids to the wrong things
  4. Makes good things lawful
  5. Makes impure things unlawful
  6. Relieves others of their burdens and shackles
  7. Honours the prophet p.b.u.h and aid him
  8. Follows the Quran
  9. Are successful in what they do

Amazing, isn’t it? Here is the verse:

Sura Al-A’raaf — 7:157
Also for those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet they find described in the Torah that is with them, and in the Gospel, who commands them to do right and forbids them to do wrong, who makes good things lawful to them and bad things unlawful, who will relieve them of their burdens and of the shackles that weigh upon them. Those that believe in him and honour him, those that aid him and follow the light sent down with him, shall surely triumph




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