Fiber Framework in Golang

Uzair Ahmed
5 min readDec 20, 2022
Fiber Framework

Fiber is a fast, lightweight and flexible Go web framework, its inspired from Express web framework built on top of Fast HTTP, the fastest HTTP engine for Go, that makes it easy to build web applications with minimal overhead. It is designed to be simple and easy to use, with a focus on high performance and concurrency.

Here is an example of a simple “Hello, World!” application using Fiber:

package main

import ""

func main() {
app := fiber.New()

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
c.Send("Hello, World!")


This code creates a new Fiber app, sets up a route for the root path (/) that responds with "Hello, World!", and starts the server on port 3000.

Fiber provides a simple and powerful routing system that allows you to easily define routes and handle requests. It also includes support for middleware, template rendering, and many other features that make it easy to build web applications in Go.

Here are some additional features and capabilities of Fiber:

  • Routing: Fiber provides a simple and powerful routing system that allows you to define routes and handle requests based on the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and the URL path. You can also use wildcards and regular expressions to match more complex patterns.
  • Middleware: Fiber has a powerful middleware system that allows you to easily define functions that can be run before or after a request is handled. This can be used to perform tasks such as authentication, authorization, logging, or anything else you need to do before or after a request is handled.
  • Custom middleware: In addition to the built-in middleware that Fiber provides, you can also create your own custom middleware to handle specific tasks or functionality in your application.
  • Logging: Fiber includes a built-in logging system that allows you to log messages from your application. You can use this to log information about requests, errors, or other events that occur in your application.
  • HTTP Methods: Fiber provides convenience functions for each HTTP method (e.g., app.Get, app.Post, etc.), allowing you to easily define routes for each method. You can also use the app.Any function to handle requests for any method.
  • Context: Each request in Fiber is passed a *fiber.Ctx object, which provides a wide range of information and functionality related to the request and response. This includes methods for accessing request data (e.g., query parameters, form data, headers), setting response data (e.g. status code, headers, cookies), and rendering templates.
  • Error handling: Fiber provides a simple and flexible error handling system that allows you to define custom error handlers for different types of errors. You can use this to handle errors such as 404 (Not Found) or 500 (Internal Server Error) and provide custom responses to the client.
  • Testing: Fiber includes a built-in testing library that makes it easy to write unit tests for your applications. You can use this to write tests that simulate HTTP requests and assert that the correct responses are returned.
  • CORS: Fiber includes built-in support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which allows your application to accept requests from other domains. You can use this to enable clients to make cross-domain requests to your API or other resources.
  • Template rendering: Fiber includes built-in support for template rendering, allowing you to easily create HTML pages with dynamic content. It supports a variety of template engines, including Pug (formerly known as Jade), Handlebars, and more.
  • Static file serving: Fiber makes it easy to serve static files, such as images, CSS, and JavaScript, with just a few lines of code. It also supports automatic file serving from directories, allowing you to easily serve a directory of static files with a single route.
  • HTTP2 support: Fiber supports HTTP2, the latest version of the HTTP protocol, which provides significant performance improvements over HTTP1.1. This can be especially useful for applications that serve a large number of static files or use server push.
  • Sessions: Fiber has built-in support for sessions, which allow you to store data across multiple requests from the same client. You can use this to implement features such as user authentication, shopping carts, and more. Fiber provides several options for storing session data, including in-memory storage, cookie storage, and more.
  • WebSocket's: Fiber includes built-in support for WebSocket's, allowing you to easily create real-time applications that use WebSocket's for communication.
  • Grouping routes: Fiber allows you to group routes together and apply middleware or other settings to all routes within the group. This can be useful for organizing your routes and applying common functionality to multiple routes at once.
  • File uploads: Fiber makes it easy to handle file uploads from clients. You can use the c.FormFile function to access uploaded files and the c.SaveFile function to save them to a file or database.
  • Rate limiting: Fiber includes a built-in rate limiting middleware that allows you to limit the number of requests that clients can make to your application within a certain time period. This can be useful for preventing abuse or overloading your application.
  • HTTP/2 server push: Fiber includes support for HTTP/2 server push, which allows you to send additional resources to the client before they are requested. This can be useful for improving performance by preloading resources that are needed by the client.
  • WebSocket broadcasting: Fiber includes built-in support for WebSocket broadcasting, which allows you to send messages to multiple connected WebSocket clients at once. This can be useful for implementing features such as real-time chat or notifications.
  • Custom 404 and 500 pages: Fiber allows you to define custom 404 (Not Found) and 500 (Internal Server Error) pages that will be displayed to the client when those errors occur. This can be useful for providing a more user-friendly experience for your users.

Fiber is a lightweight and flexible framework that makes it easy to build web applications in Go. It has a simple and intuitive API, with a focus on performance and concurrency, and provides a wide range of features and capabilities to help you build web applications quickly and easily.

I hope this information is helpful! If you have any more questions about Fiber or web development in Go, feel free to ask.

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Uzair Ahmed

I am Software Engineer Who Transforming ideas into reality through the power of code and a dedication to excellence.