How I Built My Own Personal A.I Assistant

Uzair Bhatti
3 min readApr 19, 2023


The secrets of creating a chatbot that can understand you and your personality

Have you ever wished you had a personal assistant that could help you with your daily tasks, answer your questions, and entertain you with jokes and stories? Well, I have good news for you: you can build your own personal assistant using chatbots and AI!

Chatbots are computer programs that can have conversations with humans using natural language. AI is the technology that makes chatbots smarter and more human-like. By combining chatbots and AI, you can create a personal assistant that can understand your needs, preferences, and personality.

In this blog post, I will share with you how I built my own personal assistant using chatbots and AI, and how you can do the same. Here are the steps I followed:

  1. Choose a platform for your chatbot. There are many platforms available for building chatbots, such as Microsoft Bot Framework, Dialogflow, Rasa, etc. I chose Microsoft Bot Framework because it has a lot of features and integrations that make it easy to create chatbots for different channels and scenarios.
  1. 2. Design your chatbot’s personality and functionality. Before you start coding, you need to decide what kind of personality and functionality you want your chatbot to have. For example, do you want your chatbot to be friendly, professional, humorous, etc.? What kind of tasks do you want your chatbot to help you with? For example, do you want your chatbot to remind you of appointments, book flights, order food, etc.? You can use tools like or Botmock to design your chatbot’s persona and user stories.
  2. 3. Build your chatbot’s logic and dialogues. Once you have a clear idea of what you want your chatbot to do and say, you need to code the logic and dialogues for your chatbot. You can use tools like Microsoft Bot Composer or Botkit to create dialogues using graphical or code-based interfaces. You can also use natural language processing (NLP) services like Microsoft LUIS or Google Cloud Natural Language to enable your chatbot to understand user inputs and intents.
  3. 4. Train your chatbot’s AI model. To make your chatbot more intelligent and human-like, you need to train its AI model using data and feedback. You can use tools like Microsoft QnA Maker or Google Cloud Dialogflow CX to create knowledge bases and FAQs for your chatbot. You can also use tools like Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services or Google Cloud AI Platform to add features like speech recognition, sentiment analysis, image recognition, etc. to your chatbot.
  4. 5. Test and deploy your chatbot. Finally, you need to test and deploy your chatbot to the channel of your choice. You can use tools like Microsoft Bot Emulator or Botium to test your chatbot locally or online. You can also use tools like Microsoft Azure Bot Service or Google Cloud App Engine to host and deploy your chatbot to various channels like web, mobile, social media, etc.

That’s it! You have just built your own personal assistant using chatbots and AI! Of course, this is just a simplified overview of the process, and there are many more details and challenges involved in building a chatbot. But I hope this blog post has inspired you to try it out for yourself and see what amazing things you can create with chatbots and AI.

If you have any questions or feedback about this blog post or my personal assistant, feel free to leave a comment below or contact me on Twitter Uzair Bhatti. I would love to hear from you!

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