2 min readMay 10, 2015


Kill Chrome, bring in Android

Well Larry Page, you have done a great job. You successfully monetized search in a way Yahoo! since forever failed to, you created one of the first massive storage email services and cloud drives, an amazingly simple and successful browser and of course, the Operating system of most smart phones in the world. Google is truly a company for which I and many others feel grateful, however it is very annoying to see (among other things) you trying so hard with Chrome operating system for Desktops and frankly, i dont get the point.

You have an amazingly successful operating system being used on Phone sand Tablets everywhere in the world. It is so simple, easy to use, so ever present and so easily adaptable to a desktop that I really dont understand why you pursue the dream of a completely ‘cloud based’ desktop through Chrome, when it can be done almost over night with Android.

Imagine, anyone can then sign in to any machine with their Google account and get all their Android data right there, with usual apps and all. An SD card or even your Google Drive can be seamlessly used from machine to machine. Already office apps on android have become powerful enough and movies , music etc are no issue either. there is very little that an average person needs to do on a desktop that needs Windows….it can all be done through Android.

So please Larry Page, I beg you to offer the world Android for Desktop (hell it might be just an android for tablet configured with a keyboard and mouse) and give us the future….set us all free…

Waiting eagerly

Umair Usman

