The tale of the lonely sock

Uzi Landsmann
2 min readOct 15, 2021

A lonely sock lay in the sock drawer. It just sat there and felt sad. Or maybe this was an understatement — actually it felt dreadfully sorry for itself.

Lonely socks in the sock drawer suffer from multiple problems. The most obvious one is the risk for being thrown out by its owner, who might have given up the hope of finding the other sock. If the owner rather chooses to wait and see if the other sock decides to show up any time, then the lonely sock must nevertheless lay there (lonely) in the drawer henceforth. Another problem is that one lies there, lonely, and watches the other socks that lie there, together, and feels the excitement that passes through them when the owner opens the drawer, and chooses a new pair for the day. Just a pair, obviously. The owner does not choose the lonely sock — unless, as already explained, in order to throw it away.

But the last and bigger problem that the lonely sock in the sock drawer suffered from, was envy. The lonely sock knew, namely, that the other sock, which literally was its second half, was out there having fun.

You might now wonder what socks can do out in the big world to have fun, but think this over: have you ever seen a sock trying to hide? Thought so. In the dryer. Or the Clothes-go-round as the socks sometimes call it. Sure, the socks definitely enjoy the washing and turning around in the…



Uzi Landsmann

Software developer at Webstep. I write tech stuff and fiction in English and Swedish. Click on my lists to see more!