After Black Friday, Green Friday has come! The tough questions we never ask about the Black Friday madness.

Godwin Chidiebube
2 min readNov 18, 2022


Has the time ever come when we have to tell ourselves why Black Friday is bad?

There are many valid reasons to not shop on Black Friday, among them is the reduced emphasis on spending time with friends and family in favor of mad dashes through stores.

Black Friday, the day after American Thanksgiving, is all about shopping. It’s a day when consumers go wild, lining up outside stores hoping to get the best deals on electronics and other products.

This practice could be easily avoided if we all just made reasonable shopping plans and tried to enjoy other aspects of this holiday instead!

The fact that Black Friday is a marketing gimmick cooked up by retail behemoths to generate more profits doesn’t help matters. In short, this frenzied shopping holiday isn’t something that we should support, because of this reason:

It encourages us to spend money we don’t have in order to get something that’s only slightly better than what we already have, with no thought about the consequences.

The real value of Black Friday is not in the deals we find; it’s in being part of an ever-growing line of consumers waiting for deals, who become part of a very profitable machine that makes money by selling us stuff we don’t need.

This system is also bad for the environment because it encourages us to buy more rather than less. If everyone bought less stuff, this would be less harmful; but since most people aren’t willing to do that, the only way to slow down consumption is through market pressure.

But if markets are driven by demand rather than supply, then they will always encourage more consumption — so even if everyone bought less, everyone would still be worse off than before.

We can create a new tradition by the end of this year. If we, as a community and society, decide that Black Friday is a bad idea then it will become bad. A lot of us may want to take part in Black Friday, but let’s look at why it is we want to do so and see if it is worth us giving something up for.

Let’s go Green for Black Friday!

So instead of competing for discounts, let’s do this instead:

1. Get active and shop for healthy snacks from Green Baskit, and spend some time in nature.

2. Spend time with our loved ones and enjoy the best deal of family.

3. Let’s invest and share with others, and join worthy causes like raising awareness for climate change and green sustainability.

Happy Green Friday!

#GreenBaskit #HealthySnacks #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyLiving #GreenFriday #BlackFriday #NigerianSnacks #Lagos #Abuja #Nigeria #FoodAndBeverage

