CLR, BCL, CIL, and assemblies in .Net

Vahid Cheshmy
8 min readJan 8, 2019


This article is about Base Class Library (BCL), Common Language Runtime (CLR), Common Intermediate Language (CIL), and .NET assemblies.

Beforehand let’s take a look at Framework Class Library (FCL) in which you can see so many other classes, functionalities, and other services and this article covers Base Class Library and Common Language Runtime.

Framework Class Library(FCL)

Introducing the Building Blocks of the .NET Platform (the CLR, CTS, and CLS)

Now, you’ve understood some benefits provided by .NET, I’m going to describe three key topics that will help you to understand key benefits better,

CLR (Common Language Runtime)

From a Programmer's point of view, .NET could be a runtime environment and a comprehensive base class library.

The runtime is referred to as Common Language Runtime (CLR). the main goal of CLR is to load, Locate and manage .NET objects on the programmer’s behalf. It means that CLR always handles these operations and a programmer doesn’t interfere with these processes. Also, CLR takes care of memory management, application hosting, some security checks, and coordinating threads.

CTS (Common Type System)

The CTS describes all data types and all related constructs supported by the runtime, details how they would be represented in the .NET metadata format, and also specifies how entities can interact with each other. In other words, we have several languages and each language has its own data type definition and cannot be understandable by other languages but CLR can understand all the data types.

For example, C# has an int Data Type and VB.NET has Integer Data Type. so after compilation, it uses the same structure as Int32 in CTS.

Common Language Runtime (CLR)

CLS (Common Language Specification)

CLS is a subset of CTS, It defines a set of rules and restrictions that every language must follow which runs under.NET the framework.

For example imagine you develop an application by C# and VB.NET, in C# every statement must have to end with a semicolon otherwise in VB.NET shouldn’t be written like that.

So these syntax rules are different from language to language but CLR can understand all language's syntax because in .NET each language is converted into MSIL code after compilation and MSIL code is the language specification of CLR.

Base Class Library (BCL)

Stands for Base class library also known as a Class Library (CL). BCL is a subset of the Framework class library (FCL). The class library is a collection of reusable types that are closely integrated with CLR. The base Class library provides classes and types that are helpful in performing day-to-day operations e.g. dealing with string and primitive types, database connection, and IO operations.

BCL defines types that can be used to build any type of software application.

You can use ASP.NET to build websites and REST services, WCF to build distributed systems, WPF to build desktop GUI applications, and so on. As well, the base class libraries provide types to interact with the directory and file system on a given computer, communicate with relational databases (via ADO.NET), and so on.

Base Class Library (BCL)

Managed and Unmanaged Code

Now that you’ve found out the definition of BCL and CLR I’m going to talk about Managed and unmanaged codes.

C# language can be used only to build software that is hosted under .NET runtime. The term used to describe the code targeting the .NET runtime is managed code. There is a binary unit that contains the managed code which is called assembly. In contrast, code that cannot be directly hosted by the.ET runtime is called unmanaged code.

As I mentioned in a previous article the .NET platform can run on a variety of operating is possible to build a C# application on a Windows operating system using Visual Studio and run the program on a macOS machine using the .NET Core runtime. Also, you can build a C# application on the Linux operating system using Xamarin Studio and run the program on Windows, macOS, and so on. With the latest release of Visual Studio, I mean Visual Studio 2017, you can also build .NET Core applications on a Mac to be run on Windows, macOS, or’s possible to build, deploy, and run .NET programs on different operating systems.

An overview of .NET assemblies

Regardless of which .NET languages you chose to develop, after compiling your application there would be two types of assemblies, Executing files *.exe and Dynamic Link Library *.dll.

But when we compile our .NET program it’s not converted into the executable binary code but to an intermediate code, called MSIL or IL, which is understandable by CLR. MSIL is an OS and H/W independent code. When the program needs to be executed, this MSIL or intermediate code is converted to binary executable code, called native code.

All the .NET assemblies contain the definition of types, versioning information for the type meta-data, and manifest and in this article, I’m going to talk about it more.

If you have a class named Customer, the type metadata describes details such as Customer’s base class, specifies which interfaces are implemented by the Customer class, and also gives some information about each member in the Customer class..NET metadata is always present within an assembly and it’s .NET duty to automatically generate it.

CIL and type metadata, assemblies themselves are also described using metadata, which is called manifest. The manifest contains information about the current version of the assembly and a list of all externally referenced assemblies that are required for proper execution. So in the following article, I’m going to use a tool to examine an assembly’s type, metadata, and manifest.

The Role of CIL in .NET

To understand the rule of CIL take a look at the following C# code which models a calculator.

using System;  

namespace Calculator

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Calc cl=new Calc();
//Calculator class which has a method Addnumbers
class Calc
public int AddNumbers(int x, int y)
return x + y;

As you can see we have two classes,

  • Program: which is the app’s entry point
  • Calc: which has a method named Addnumbers and add two numbers and returns the result of adding numbers.

After compiling the application using the C# compiler (Calculator.exe), you end up with a *.exe file that contains a manifest, metadata, and CIL instructions.

Now let’s use ildasm.exe to examine our Calculator.exe file.

You can find ildasm.exe file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\[your windows version]\Bin

If you want to use this tool in Visual Studio just follow these steps and add it to Visual Studio tools,

  • First find ildasm.exe location (usually it’s located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\[Windows Verwsion]\Bin\ildasm.exe
  • Open up Visual Studio
  • From the Tools menu open External Tools and then you should see the External Tools dialog,
  • Click on add button, choose a Title of your tool (my title is ILDASM) , in Command text box enter the path of ildasm.exe and in the Argument textbox just click on the right-arrow button and choose $(TargetPath)
  • Check Close and Exit.
  • That’s it, it’s done.

What ildasm.exe offers?

ildasm will show you three basic things,

  • A list of all classes and methods in your assembly
  • The contents of the assembly’s manifest
  • IL code for any method implemented in the assembly.

To open related assembly just go to the tools menu and here we go, ILDASM appears in this menu, just open it.

So, if you want to find some information about your application, open ildasm in your Tools menu, and you’ll see the ildasm.exe dialog.

As you see there is some information about the assembly’s type, manifest, and metadata.


If I expand Calculator.Calc there would be AddNumbers methods. by double-clicking on the method I can see the information about this method in new dialog windows.

Pay attention to the int32 data type, as you remember in early of this article I talked about CTS (Common Type System) in which all of the data types after compilation would be understandable for CTS. Whatever int in C# or Integer in VB will be compiled as int32 in CTS.

So as you can see the AddNumbers method is represented using CIL as above picture.

Benefit of CIL

Now you’ve found out what CIL exactly does, why is it necessary to compile your code into CIL?do you remember as I said you can use a variety of languages in .NET, here’s a benefit of using CIL, no matter which language you use in your project maybe one or maybe two and so forth, at the end all of them will compile into CIL and all of the languages will interact within a well-defined binary arena.

The Role of .NET Type Metadata

.NET assembly contains complete and accurate metadata, such as class, structure, and also members of each type such as properties, methods and etc. So, how this information extract? By programmer or compiler? Hopefully all of these tasks are done by the compiler, not the programmer.

To show you the format of the metadata, let’s take a look at our project metadata generated by the AddNumbers do that, simply open ideas in your Tools menu, and after the dialog popped up, just hit ctl+m to illustrate the type of Metadata of your project.

If you hit ctl+m and then the dialog box disappears make sure to open the proper version of ildasm.If your project is generated by .Net framework version 4.6.1 and you open ildasm with .NET framework version 4.5.1 your dialog box will disappear after using ctl+m.

as you see in the above picture, we have a TypeDef #2 which provides some information about the project, for example, TypeDefName refers to the Calc class in the Calculator project and also there are two methods in the Calc class,

  • AddNumbers
  • which takes two parameters x and y
  • .ctor which is the default constructor of the Calc class and is generated automatically by the .NET.

The Role of the Assembly Manifest

.Net assembly which contains metadata that describes the assembly itself, as I mentioned earlier it’s called Manifest.

Manifest documents all external assemblies' information such as the assembly’s version number, copyright information, and so on. so accordingly it is the compiler's duty to generate the assembly’s manifest rather than the programmer's.


resource: pro C# 7 by Andrew Troelsen,Philip Japikse

